Oil leak barges mired in red tape


Methodically disorganized
Against Gov. Jindal's Wishes, Crude-Sucking Barges Stopped by Coast Guard

Sixteen barges sat stationary today, although they were sucking up thousands of gallons of BP's oil as recently as Tuesday.

... But the Coast Guard ordered the stoppage because of reasons that Jindal found frustrating. The Coast Guard needed to confirm that there were fire extinguishers and life vests on board...
As if that is not ridiculous enough, area governors are distraught that no one has taken or been given control of the situation.
The governor [Riley, Ala.] said the problem is there's still no single person giving a "yes" or "no." While the Gulf Coast governors have developed plans with the Coast Guard's command center in the Gulf, things begin to shift when other agencies start weighing in, like the Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

"It's like this huge committee down there," Riley said
Confusion and bureaucratic idiocy... yep, sounds like The Won's "battle plan" is working well. :bigwhoop: