This is pretty funny


Well-Known Member
Actually I'm mildly amused at *Dean's* little flare-up last night. He's supposed gettin' religion now that he is headed South, although he can't tell the New Testament from the Old and so on. An elderly man in the crowd suggested he stop bashing and show a little compassion for his neighbor, only to be greeeted with "George Bush ISN'T my neighbor". And then a brief tirade of Bush's failings and a wish for THAT neighbor to go back to Crawford where he belongs.

Now this sells WELL to the party base. There were cheers as he said these words. But he's never going to win over the Bible Belt with the concept of neighbor that he has. You're not going to sell yourself as a religious man while TELLING religious people that your "neighbors" are only the people you *like*.

He's gonna have to just blow off the whole religion thing. He really has very little grasp of it.

I'm actually HOPING he gets the nomination. If he blows his stack at someone suggesting he not be a pompous basher, he's REALLY gonna lose it in the heat of a real campaign.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Sam, I've been amused by this whole thing. What a bunch of boobs. You'd think Dean would just say his relationship with God is a private matter and he doesn't care to cheapen it by discussing it in public. That would pacify the religious folks and keep him from making stupid remarks that alienate people.