Looking for a place


New Member
Hi my name is Robert and I am currently enrolled in a Culinary Arts Program at Woodland Job Corps Center. I will be leaving Job Corps on September 3rd and am looking for a place to live. I am 23 and am in the process of getting employment back in Prince Frederick (I have an interview at Valvoline Monday) I am looking for a one room place all I really need is a place to sleep. I am looking to spend no more then 800 a month but would prefer something around 650. If you know of anything or could be of any help it would be greatly appreciated.


New Member
Lol i know it seems confusing but I just need a job in general. I would prefer a job cooking but havent found any yet that would set up an interview. I have technically completed the program and have my ServSafe certification as well as a certificate from the program, but have yet to get any replies from jobs at restaurants. I am moving back to prince frederick when I leave the program completely because I have family and friends there.
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New Member
I was looking for a way to apply to the Ihop and had no luck finding out how i could do it considering I currently live in laurel and couldn't find anything for it online. I tried Ruby Tuesdays and Applebees.


I was looking for a way to apply to the Ihop and had no luck finding out how i could do it considering I currently live in laurel and couldn't find anything for it online. I tried Ruby Tuesdays and Applebees.

IHOP will not open until October. I understand that there are applications at the site now


Resident PIA
I know that amount of rent won't go far in some areas, do you have someone you could room with, split the cost (get a 2 bedroom or more)?

Best of luck, keep plugging away at the food service business, while most places use an online application, try walking in.

Best of luck, stick with it. And thanks, you have given me an idea for someone I know who needs help.


New Member
finally found a place now working even harder to find work. my instructor knows someone who works at the jaspers here so im putting in my application today and hopefully he can talk to his friend and try to get me the job


New Member
Thanks everyone. Still looking for something full time but found me a part time job. If you hear of any openings i would greatly appreciate it if you would still let me know. Thank you in advance