22 Books by Black authors to add to your beach bag.....


Ubi bene ibi patria

"The New York Times and NPR recently published their summer reading lists and, to no surprise, they were completely comprised of White authors.

If you’re looking for alternatives to read as you bask in the sun, melanin gleaming, there’s no shortage of phenomenal Black writing for you to indulge in. Ranging from memoirs to novels, history and poetry, this list is by no means comprehensive, but offers works by Black authors for a wide range of readers.

So next time you’re headed for the beach, the pool or your couch (let’s be honest, sometimes it’s just nice to sit around), pull one of these books off the shelf and start reading!"


Well-Known Member
You know,...I have found that books do very little to control erosion at the beach. so even if you send me all the discounted 1.99 crap that "authors" pile up in dreary warehouses...I'll take them to the beach, but dumping them there will only add to pollution.

I'll bet that Clarence Thomas, Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams and Col West...were not on the NPR list were they? (I don't open your links,...my shots are not up to date.)


Well-Known Member
Pass those books out down on Great Mills Rd. Lots of folks down there with plenty of time to read.


Well-Known Member

"The New York Times and NPR recently published their summer reading lists and, to no surprise, they were completely comprised of White authors.

If you’re looking for alternatives to read as you bask in the sun, melanin gleaming, there’s no shortage of phenomenal Black writing for you to indulge in. Ranging from memoirs to novels, history and poetry, this list is by no means comprehensive, but offers works by Black authors for a wide range of readers.

So next time you’re headed for the beach, the pool or your couch (let’s be honest, sometimes it’s just nice to sit around), pull one of these books off the shelf and start reading!"

I bet some of your best friends are black, too.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
why do they have to be 'black' authors ....

Because black authors tend not to get the buzz that white authors do. Unfortunately, many black authors are quite Afrocentric, and whites can't relate, therefore only about 12% of the population is a potential audience. Given this, many book stores - including Amazon - automatically place black authors in the AA section, where non-blacks rarely venture, even if the book is mainstream and has universal appeal.

By highlighting black authors and showing that their works are not necessarily all hate-whitey screeds, it encourages non-blacks to give them a try.

I read A LOT, so I always like recommendations for books I might not have realized existed or wouldn't have bothered with because of a preconceived notion.


Dream Stealer
Because black authors tend not to get the buzz that white authors do. Unfortunately, many black authors are quite Afrocentric, and whites can't relate, therefore only about 12% of the population is a potential audience. Given this, many book stores - including Amazon - automatically place black authors in the AA section, where non-blacks rarely venture, even if the book is mainstream and has universal appeal.

By highlighting black authors and showing that their works are not necessarily all hate-whitey screeds, it encourages non-blacks to give them a try.

I read A LOT, so I always like recommendations for books I might not have realized existed or wouldn't have bothered with because of a preconceived notion.

Unfortunately the first several books on this list are the exact opposite. They nearly all have the words "privilege" or "Jim Crow" in the description. :yawn:

However some towards the end of the list look quite good. I am always looking for new reads and slogging through the contemporary ill written crap takes time


PREMO Member
Because black authors tend not to get the buzz that white authors do. Unfortunately, many black authors are quite Afrocentric, and whites can't relate, therefore only about 12% of the population is a potential audience.

ok I get that

.... but NPR has to make a point of saying look Black Authors ....

its like a politician saying vote for me I support free birth control pills .... like you are nothing more than your lady parts