The Shame of an Exorcist


Ubi bene ibi patria
Father Thomas Euteneuer Admits Violations of Chastity Amid Exorcism - The Daily Beast

"Until last year, Thomas Euteneuer was president of Human Life International, a group that has worked successfully to limit abortion and family planning all over the world. In August, he abruptly left his job, and now we know why. Earlier this week, Euteneuer, a Catholic priest, confessed to "violations of chastity" with a woman he was performing an exorcism on. When it comes to clerical abuse of vulnerable people, this may be a new frontier.

Euteneuer was a major figure in the anti-abortion movement. Though not well known in the United States, his organization has had a profound effect on women's rights around the world.

It was founded in 1981 by Paul Marx, an anti-Semitic priest who blamed Jews for abortion. "If you have read my book The Death Peddlers, notice how many Jews helped lead the infamous 1971 abortion planning meeting in Los Angeles," wrote Marx, continuing, "Also, note the large number of abortionists (consult the Yellow Pages) and pro-abortion medical professors who are Jewish."

He was a bigot, but he understood, correctly, that reproductive issues are often global. The United States and the United Nations play major roles in distributing family planning worldwide, while feminist movements regularly collaborate across borders. Human Life International aimed to work on the international stage as well."