223: Flight Number or Date?


New Member
So I was thinking....

Over the last two months there's been a lot of concern over flights numbered 223. But, so far, nothing really has turned up except for one no-show pilot and a "suspicious" woman that we heard little of. Nothing of substance, yet there still seems to be enough angst to still cancel flights.

So what if 223 is actually 2/23? Anyone's pucker factor on the rise?

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
They were talking a bit about this on the radio this morning. One guy who was on the flight happened to have the same name as a known IRA terrorist and was questioned after the flight. It appears that the IRA has ties to Al Qaeda and the two have common enemies; namely, England and the US.


New Member
It's like this...

Because I thought of it, I had to post it to ensure that nothing would happen, even at the risk of looking like an ignorant fool....Had I not posted, something would have happened.

By halting the attack, I have performed my civic duty for the week.

I shall return now to my mild-mannered alter-ego, yet remain ever-vigilant to combat the evil that lurks in the heart of men.


Princess of Mean
Perhaps you should pay your stupidity tax...uhh ,I mean play the lotto with those numbers on that date :jet:


Kernel panic: Aiee.......
Originally posted by tlatchaw
So maybe we should freak out about March 22?
I hate to bring up old threads but 3/22 is coming up a week from Monday. With the recent events in Spain and the E-MAIL that followed, I think we should be on guard for anything out of the ordinary.
My intent is not to scare anyone nor cause a panic, just to point out the evidence presented.


Not dead yet.
There are a few other odd correlations on dates here, too. The attacks in Spain occurred on the 11th of the month. Also, I heard this morning that they occurred 911 days after 9-11-01. Could be a pattern or just a paranoid coicidence.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Thanks, TWL - Kain's probably building a bomb shelter even as we speak. :lol:

Do ya'll honestly think Muslim terrorists sit around and make convoluted date codes to attack on?

TWLs wife

New Member
Originally posted by TWL
I hate to bring up old threads but 3/22 is coming up a week from Monday. With the recent events in Spain and the E-MAIL that followed, I think we should be on guard for anything out of the ordinary.
My intent is not to scare anyone nor cause a panic, just to point out the evidence presented.

I believe what my hubby wrote. We just need to start being come careful.