24 hour 'Vacation Breasts'


Lawful neutral

(Newser) – Offering women the ability to test-drive breast implants first led plastic surgeon Norman Rowe to invent the InstaBreast—a "lunchtime lift" offering "instant breast enlargement" that lasts 24 hours, as ABC News puts it. Now he's hard at work on "Vacation Breasts." The NYC doctor expects this new augmentation will last two to three weeks, ABC reports, which would work out for a vacation or a special occasion. Rowe isn't revealing the chemical makeup that would be injected into patients, but he says it's a saline solution with an additive that's already used in medical circles for other reasons. Although Rowe is able to increase women's breast sizes a whole cup to a cup and a half using the InstaBreast procedure, he wanted to prolong the experience, Medical Daily reports.


New Member
Whew. I initially read the headline as "24 hours "Vatican Breasts". That would be a shocker, for sure.

Thanks. Now I can't get 'Vatican Breasts' out of my head. It's almost as bad as that stoopid 'Chick Chick' video...