Bloomberg noted:
The diesel crunch comes just weeks ahead of the midterm elections and has the potential to drive up prices for consumers who already view inflation and the economy as a top voting issue. Retail prices have been steadily climbing for more than two weeks. At $5.324 a gallon, they’re 50% higher than this time last year, according to AAA data.
Notably, National Economic Council Director Brian Deese recently commented on the emerging crisis. Deese said diesel inventories are “unacceptably low” and added that “all options are on the table,” whatever that means.
Aside from that remark, the White House has done little to nothing about the issue — an issue that could further cripple confidence in the ability of Democrats to lead America through tough times, as they’ve already proven on many occasions over the past two years.
Diesel has also been described as the nation’s “
inflation canary,” given that it’s so critically important for everything we need to survive. The bottom line is that without ample supplies and record-high prices for what’s left, Americans will get financially hammered over the winter and into 2023.
Folks, it’s probably going to get really bad out there. The scary part is that the Biden administration doesn’t seem to give a rip.