

New Member
The second best team in the AFC who just beat the snot out of last years champion are not that good? Think again my friend.


Well-Known Member
Joebagel said:
The second best team in the AFC who just beat the snot out of last years champion are not that good? Think again my friend.
Nope, my team just sucks and I'm not your friend. :howdy: Am I ?


duke'sdad said:
They aren't that good;

I'm glad to hear someone saying this.

On account'a that's what everyone kept saying the year that the Ravens won the superbowl!

Lemme rephrase that: that's what everyone kept saying the year the Ravens juggernaut of a defense pwned the league and capped it off with a slam-dunk superbowl.

But you're right, though. A 9-2 record doesn't mean anything. Nor does sitting on a 5 game winning streak. It certainly doesn't mean they're a good team or anything like that.

:dude: :larry: :dude: :larry: :dude: :larry:


New Member
BuddyLee said:
I love seeing the Steelers lose about as much as I love seeing the Cowboys lose.:getdown:

Eh, at least one of those won't be going to the Superbowl. We can't have everything. :shrug:


duke'sdad said:
They aren't that good; my boys just stink.

That is just too lame !!!

J Lewis with good gains,
T Heap being used to his full potential,
McNair slowly but surely workin' into the Baltimore groove,
Ray Lewis back in the lineup,
Still the most awesome defense around,

A team working together like very few others

and you say they aren't that good.
Keep dreamin' about last year ! It's over !
Your boys do stink !!


Well-Known Member
FireBrand said:
That is just too lame !!!

J Lewis with good gains,
T Heap being used to his full potential,
McNair slowly but surely workin' into the Baltimore groove,
Ray Lewis back in the lineup,
Still the most awesome defense around,

A team working together like very few others

and you say they aren't that good.
Keep dreamin' about last year ! It's over !
Your boys do stink !!

I thought "my boys" stunk last year; never should have made the playoffs let alone won the big game. Poor secondary, not much of a running game, hit or miss QB, line play was wishy washy at best. Not much different than this year except the turnovers are far worse this time.
I'm not a one for the thumb type. This team couldn't hold a candle to the old ones and I do not live in the past, last year or 30 years ago.