'Mother Jones' leader in objective reporting


Happy Creepy Ass Cracka
Our favorite cellar dweller loves to link to Mother Jones for his cut-n-paste stupidity. Mother Jones, that stellar unbiased, scientific font of information has solved the mystery of MH370. You knew this was coming, it's Catastrophic Manmade Global Warming donchano? They post the same satellite picture of the wreckage side-by-side as proof! Then there's the absence of speed bumps to slow down the winds in the Southern hemisphere to blame for a lot of the trouble finding MH370.

Mother Earth Climate Expert said:
"They don't have speed bumps, in the same way that the Rockies and the Himalayas provide in the Northern Hemisphere. They just get a little, tiny tickle from the Andes. But mostly they just roar."

But then there's the Mother Jones author who admits that Mother Jones hypes up the hysteria to get page views...and that MH370 was sabotaged over bitcoin

Mother Earth said:
The surprising link between bitcoins and the missing Malaysian airliner.​

But in the end, it becomes obvious why Mother Jones and the cellar dweller are so mindlessly ####ed up. It's their fascination with that wacky weed that they have never outgrown after all these years.

Mother Jones said:
Everyone Needs To Know, is that legal pot would be amazingly cheap. In fact, midgrade stuff would be so cheap that it might make sense for businesses to give it away like ketchup packets or bar nuts.
