We Finally Know Why Zebras Have Stripes


Why does the zebra have stripes? It's not a riddle — scientists say they've actually found an answer. And no, it's not camouflage for hiding under a slatted roof. The stripes actually serve as an insect repellent.

The study, published today in Nature Communications by a group from the University of California Davis led by Tim Caro, takes a look at the different major hypotheses proposed by biologists to explain the zebra's fashion-forward style, including camouflage, to confuse predators, to keep cool in the heat, social reasons, or pest control. But it was only for the final one, stripes as bug repellent, that they found a correlation.


I saw this on TV this morning and they were saying flies won't land on zebras because the stripes make them dizzy? Too funny, but now they need to make zebra striped horse blankets to keep flies off horses, maybe a real thin material for summer or just paint stripes on horses. :lmao: