2nd Pregnancy


Sleep Deprived
I'm currently 27 weeks pregnant with my 2nd child. My mother has informed me things move a lot fast the second time around. I've been feeling lots of pressure already. I called my OB yesterday she said it's mostly likely normal and should get better with rest. It does. I can't imagine 3 more months of this. Anyone else have the same problem? Any suggestions? What else do I have to look forward to with a second pregnancy?


Well-Known Member
What else do I have to look forward to with a second pregnancy?

hemroids, urine incontenance, saggy boobies, stretch marks, labor pains, midnight feedings, shiaty diapers, crying babies........ the list could go on and on.

Congrats on the pending little one :thewave:


My Sweetest Boy
I'm currently 27 weeks pregnant with my 2nd child. My mother has informed me things move a lot fast the second time around. I've been feeling lots of pressure already. I called my OB yesterday she said it's mostly likely normal and should get better with rest. It does. I can't imagine 3 more months of this. Anyone else have the same problem? Any suggestions? What else do I have to look forward to with a second pregnancy?

When was your last doctor appointment?

I can't say what is normal but I had the same thing with my second pregnancy. ALTHOUGH, I started dilating about 5 weeks before my due date. That had something to do with increased feeling of pressure. Might not hurt to get checked out internally if they haven't started that yet.


I had feelings of pressure and tightness with my son. I was having contractions and did not even know it. I was on bed rest the last 3 months and in and out of the hospital, then believe it or not He was about a week late being born! Just my luck! I would have it checked for sure, and if it is nothing you will not have that worry that it might be something. I was 36 when my son was born, it had been 10yrs since my last child. It was very, very different.


Well-Known Member
When was your last doctor appointment?

3 weeks ago. I don't go back until the 26th. I remember pressure with my first one but that was before labor.

You may want to get checked before that to make sure you don't have a UTI. Also, second babies tend to be a little bigger which could cause more pressure earlier and your uterus has already been streched out once. Much like a balloon, the more you stretch it, the easier it will stretch. Are you much bigger with this one than the first?


Sleep Deprived
You may want to get checked before that to make sure you don't have a UTI. Also, second babies tend to be a little bigger which could cause more pressure earlier and your uterus has already been streched out once. Much like a balloon, the more you stretch it, the easier it will stretch. Are you much bigger with this one than the first?

I'm gaining the appropriate weight but I feel I'm bigger at 27 weeks with this one.
My doctor mentioned a UTI. I've never had one. My OB asked a few questions and said it didn't seem like one. Maybe I'll try to move my appointment up a week to get piece of mind.


Back in the saddle
I'm going through my second pregnancy now. My first pregnancy was 10yrs ago. I don't remember having any pressure or cramps with that one. I acutally went to the dr. yesterday for this very reason. Things are changing and growing and cramps and pains are to be expected. She said with the pressure that I could try a belly band you wear under you clothes to support the new weight of your stomach.
My main reason for wanted to get it checked out is I've had surgerys on my cervix so I wanted to make sure everything was going as it should and not early.

Either way good luck!


Mommy of 2
I had the same problem with my 2nd (I was baking a 10 pounder !). So much pressure with him and it started around 24 weeks . The doc told me things are "out of whack" ,so the 2nd time around you feel so much more with the pregnancy .But I would ask you Doc to check things out and try to stay off your feet :flowers:I know better said then done , right ! lol I hope everything is ok ~


PIP ~ My Baby Boy!
Make sure you stay hydrated. Drink lots of water. I know you have to pee all the time anyway, but I was having contractions around my 27th week with my second pregnancy, and they told me it was because I was probably a little dehydrated.


Active Member
If your second is anything like mine....
Do Not proscastinate getting to the hospital when in labor. My second was born 13 minutes after I got there.


Make sure you stay hydrated. Drink lots of water. I know you have to pee all the time anyway, but I was having contractions around my 27th week with my second pregnancy, and they told me it was because I was probably a little dehydrated.

This is very true, thay told me this every time I was having the tightness and contractions in my last 3 months.


New Member
I'm currently 27 weeks pregnant with my 2nd child. My mother has informed me things move a lot fast the second time around. I've been feeling lots of pressure already. I called my OB yesterday she said it's mostly likely normal and should get better with rest. It does. I can't imagine 3 more months of this. Anyone else have the same problem? Any suggestions? What else do I have to look forward to with a second pregnancy?

Could be varicose veins!!!! Prop your legs up against the wall every day to empty the stagnant blood-try to get your bottom all the way up to the wall-no I am not kidding!! Ha!! Also wear support stockings under your clothes-you are lucky it is winter to hide them!! Good luck!!


Well-Known Member
hemroids, urine incontenance, saggy boobies, stretch marks, labor pains, midnight feedings, shiaty diapers, crying babies........ the list could go on and on.

Congrats on the pending little one :thewave:
:yeahthat: :lmao:
I'm gaining the appropriate weight but I feel I'm bigger at 27 weeks with this one.
My doctor mentioned a UTI. I've never had one. My OB asked a few questions and said it didn't seem like one. Maybe I'll try to move my appointment up a week to get piece of mind.

Asked? He/she should have done a urine test. Drink more water.
Asked? He/she should have done a urine test. Drink more water.

:yeahthat: Don't you do a urine test at every appt?? My doc has gone a few times to check and make sure that I didn't have a UTI while I was there. But definitely agree with the more water thing. It seems that I cramp more when I don't drink enough.

I had heard that with your second you are more likely to feel things stronger and that you will likely show more. But I this is my first, so I am not speaking with any experience on that front. It just seems like that ladies on the baby forum who are on their second + pregnancies are feeling the Braxton Hicks more so than their first and are feeling things a lot more.


I'm currently 27 weeks pregnant with my 2nd child. My mother has informed me things move a lot fast the second time around. I've been feeling lots of pressure already. I called my OB yesterday she said it's mostly likely normal and should get better with rest. It does. I can't imagine 3 more months of this. Anyone else have the same problem? Any suggestions? What else do I have to look forward to with a second pregnancy?

The only thing I learned about my 2nd time around is that it will be totally different than the first time, so every lesson I learned was for nothing! :lmao:


New Member
If your second is anything like mine....
Do Not proscastinate getting to the hospital when in labor. My second was born 13 minutes after I got there.

I've heard that the first one is late (past due date) and the second one is early. But my experience has been the opposite so I can't vouch for that.
I do agree once you go into labor, delivery is a lot quicker the second time around, particularly if the period between births is fairly short (e.g., not 10 years apart).