3 Murders, 2 Illegal Aliens, 1 Technicality


Methodically disorganized
Defense challenges blood evidence in murder trial
Yesterday, when defense attorneys questioned Detective Tommy Martin, the officer who oversaw collection of the evidence, they focused on the dozens of places in the home and car where blood was not found.
That appears to be the defense's main counterpoint. The article does not specify where blood was not found, but I'm presuming the defense cited key areas like the steering wheel or doors. Even still, wouldn't the fact that investigators did find blood-soiled clothing in the defendants' residence be more powerful?

Maybe their next defense will be, "What the police 'found' was planted!" (See also, Illegals follow O.J.'s lead.)


Lovin' being Texican
The victims were illegal, the suspects are illegal, and the evidence may be illegal. And they tell us illegal immigration is a victimless crime!