$300,000 available-Educational Grants for Schools


New Member
Thought some of the parents here may know of a school that could use this.

Dominion Educational Partnership
Dominion Educational Partnership

Educational grants from Dominion and the Dominion Foundation provide elementary and secondary educators with the tools they need to revitalize math and science programs through the study of energy and the environment.

In the area of k-12 education, Dominion accepts grant applications, up to $10,000, to encourage the development of new programs to strengthen math and science education through the study of energy or the environment. The Dominion Foundation awarded $317,000 to 60 schools and educational organizations in eight states for the 2008-09 school year.

View our Educational Partnership Presentation for a brief summary of the program. Use the links on the left for additional details.

Award Categories

Successful grant proposals should represent innovative and promising ideas, teach math and/or science skills, reach a significant number of students and demonstrate broad-based community support. Proposals must align with one of the following target areas:

  • Environmental Education: grants to develop math and/or science skills through the study of the environment.
  • Energy Grants: to increase students' awareness of energy efficiency and conservation, energy sources or other energy-related topics.


The Dominion Foundation will award approximately $300,000 in educational partnership grants throughout targeted areas (see geographic eligibility). Public and private elementary and secondary schools and public school divisions that are registered with the National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES), institutions of higher education and 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations are invited to apply.

Expectation of Grant Recipients

All project coordinators will be notified by e-mail of the Partnership's funding decisions on or before July 16. Public announcement of the full slate of Partnership grant awards is expected by September 1.

Grant recipients will be asked to:

  • meet with Dominion representatives in August or September to review their proposal, discuss project parameters and receive the grant check
  • complete a mid-year (January) and detailed final report (June)
  • prepare three lesson plans that Dominion can post on its Web site to share with other educators
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