Last Words Uttered by Famous People in Their Final Moments


Lawful neutral

1. "I hope the exit is joyful and I hope never to return" — Frida Kahlo
2. "Money can't buy life" — Bob Marley
3. “You can get more with a kind word and a gun than you can get with a kind word alone” — Al Capone
4. "I'm shot" — John Lennon
5. "OK, I won't" — Elvis Presley
6. "Say goodbye to Pat, say goodbye to the president, and say goodbye to yourself, because you're a nice guy" — Marilyn Monroe
7. "She won't think anything about it" — Abraham Lincoln
8. "No, you certainly can't" — John F. Kennedy
9. "Is everyone else all right?" — Bobby Kennedy
10. "I'm bored with it all" — Winston Churchill
11. "I finally get to see Marilyn" — Joe DiMaggio
12. "That guy's got to stop... He'll see us" — James Dean
13. "Brothers! Brothers, please! This is a house of peace!" — Malcolm X
14. "Make sure you play 'Take My Hand, Precious Lord'. Play it real pretty" — Martin Luther King Jr.
15. "Jesus, I love you. Jesus, I love you" — Mother Teresa
16. "Greetings to you" — Indira Gandhi
17. "I'm going to get my things and get out of this house. Father hates me, and I'm never coming back" — Marvin Gaye
18. "I feel certain that I am going mad again. I feel we can't go through another of those terrible times..." — Virginia Woolf
19. "Damn it... Don't you dare ask God to help me" — Joan Crawford
20. "My God, what's happened?" — Princess Diana
21. "You are only going to kill a man" — Che Guevara
22. "One never knows the ending. One has to die to know exactly what happens after death, although Catholics have their hopes" — Alfred Hitchcock
23. "I should never have switched from Scotch to martinis" — Humphrey Bogart
24. "I'm going away tonight" — James Brown
25. "I've had a hell of a lot of fun and I've enjoyed every minute of it" — Errol Flynn
26. "Is everybody happy? I want everybody to be happy. I know I'm happy" — Ethel Barrymore
27. "I've had 18 straight whiskies... I think that's the record" — Dylan Thomas
28 "Why not? After all, it belongs to him" — Charlie Chaplin
29. "Kurt Russell" — Walt Disney


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PREMO Member
Hasn't WD sorta been dead for quite a while? Or is Russell dead but doesn't know it yet? Or did you just add that to the list?