Russian Media Attacks ‘Angry Monkey’ Obama With Racist Mockery


PREMO Member
Russian Media Attacks ‘Angry Monkey’ Obama With Racist Mockery

And prominent Russian journalists went far beyond this Tweet duckling in belittling Obama, showering America’s first black President with openly racist insults.

On Friday, Russian magazine Life published a story titled “Year of the Monkey Who Slammed the Door” with Obama’s image in it. The author called Obama “vindictive” and “revengeful” and declared ““I hope I never again have to write about the weakest president in the history of the United States.”

An aide in the State Duma, Maria Katasonova also made a reference to the Chinese zodiac in her public post. She tweeted: “The Year of the Monkey is coming to an end. The monkey is angry and has a final sh it.”



Well-Known Member
Russian Media Attacks ‘Angry Monkey’ Obama With Racist Mockery

And prominent Russian journalists went far beyond this Tweet duckling in belittling Obama, showering America’s first black President with openly racist insults.

On Friday, Russian magazine Life published a story titled “Year of the Monkey Who Slammed the Door” with Obama’s image in it. The author called Obama “vindictive” and “revengeful” and declared ““I hope I never again have to write about the weakest president in the history of the United States.”

An aide in the State Duma, Maria Katasonova also made a reference to the Chinese zodiac in her public post. She tweeted: “The Year of the Monkey is coming to an end. The monkey is angry and has a final sh it.”


The monkey reference is a bit unnecessary, but revengeful and vindictive,the weakest President in history, all of that seems appropriate, as does incompetent, lazy,narcissistic,highly lacking in the manly arts. The man was way over his Peter's Principal category, and didn't have the sense to know it.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
From the comments:

The real racists are the ones thinking that Obama's characterization of a petulant monkey relates to his race, and not to his animal like, childish, petulant, monkeyish behavior of throwing around political fecal matter.

The real racist reveal themselves through the prism of their perception.

I have nothing to add to that.


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
If you don't want to be referred to as a primate, don't act like one. :shrug: