Donald Trump is Obama's true legacy


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
Chicago newspaper article about the king with no clothes.

And now, eight years later, consider:Chicago's president of so much hope leaves a Democratic Party in absolute tatters. Democrats have lost not only the White House and Congress, but a horde of state legislatures and governorships.
And Trump will be the next president, having won a remarkable election in state after state by running an anti-establishment campaign of referendum, first against the Bush Republicans and later against Obama and his proxy, Hillary Clinton.
You can talk about Obamacare as his legacy, although that will be undone. You can talk about the symbolism of his politics, but that will fade, at least in Washington.
But there is a part of his legacy that is just beginning: Trump.
Donald Trump is Obama's true legacy.

so much disappointment


New Member
There were 15 or 16 other contenders for the Republican nomination.

1 of those was Jeb Bush.

Jeb, the smarter and more qualified of the two Bush brothers. Jeb was considered the likely nominee prior to the primaries. But Jeb had an albatross around his neck...his brother W's horridly disappointing Presidency.

So why isn't Mr. Trump the true legacy of Dubbya's failed Presidency?

The Congress and the Senate have accomplished NOTHING in the last 6 years. They refused to pass additional and much needed stimulus needed to put people back to work. They shut down the govt. They did nothing to push the economy forward and in fact did everything they could to retard economic growth. The approval rating of Congress has been hovering in the teens now for years. The Republican party is in complete shambles. Sure the party has control...but no one has control of the party. Mr. Trump isn't a Republican. Mr. Ryan can't control the House. Mr. McConnell needs the VP to get a cabinet secretary confirmed.

So why isn't Mr. Trump the true legacy of a failed Republican party??


Power with Control
And the Congress is the legacy of American voters continuing self delusion that career politicians have any concern for anyone other than donors/the party