People, keep your dog on a leash!!!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
We were just attacked by a dog at the campground. We were out walking Apollo, it was dark out, and this dog came out of nowhere trying to get at him. I kept trying to fend the dog off and keep between him and Apollo, Monello was trying to fend him off, his owner comes rolling out and starts yelling AT US!!, Monello and I are screaming at her to get her effing dog, she's standing there yelling like an idiot - "he's friendly, he's friendly!" No, bitch, he's not freaking friendly when he's attacking my dog and you won't pull him off.

I kicked the dog in the side and he backed off - it was chaos so I don't really remember exactly but after exchanging some words with the owner she got the dog under control and we left. Met up with one of the campground workers who was rolling around and told him what happened. He said he couldn't really do anything about it if we didn't know what lot number it was - which we didn't because there was a lot going on and all we wanted at that point was to get away from that nut and her dog. Another worker heard the commotion so we told them what had happened, too. Tomorrow I'll report it at the main office.

Now, the dog was a yellow lab looking pooch, so he may very well be friendly under other circumstances - but when he comes at me and my dog and won't back off, that's that. Not to mention dogs aren't supposed to be off leash EVER unless they're in the dog park.

Now, this incident could have ended much differently. Her dog could have injured me or Monello or Apollo (we're all fine). But let's pretend he is just curious - except for the part where he ran at us and practically mauled me trying to get to Apollo, but let's pretend. Dog comes at me in the dark, I have a taser or even a gun. Bye doggie! And that would be the owner's fault for not controlling her animal.

I'll go to the office tomorrow and report it. Not sure if I should call the police, an even then I can only give a general area of where their RV is and not the specific spot. Doubtful they'll go door to door and search for the dog. I'm really upset about this.


Even if you think he's friendly, other people don't know that. And if he attacks someone or their pet and they put him down, IT'S YOUR FAULT.


God bless the USA
Oh my goodness. I am sure that scared you. Poor sweet Apollo. In our new home, and there are leash laws, we have a split rail fence adjoing 6 neighbors. We were used to 5 acres in off the road in
Calvert in the woods. When Daisy goes out, there is one dog that is trying to tear the fence down to get to her. It makes me fearful, and never want to let her out, but that is not normal. It doesn't matter if you are traveling, or staying at home. There are always risks. Happy travels. I love reading about them. :smile:
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nobody really

I need a nap
yeah, it sucks for the dog to have such stupid owners. Happened to me at a dog park a few years ago. I was there, early on my Friday off, with my gsd. and this woman had a lab..."friendly" but not so to my dog. She refused to leave, even though I was there first (nobody else was there), there were three other fenced areas for dogs. It was just her and I. She just laughed when her lab showed aggression towards my dog. "he's just playing". uh, don't think so, esp when it was freaking both me and my dog out.

I just went to the other area. Some people shouldn't own pets. Sorry for the bad experience, glad everyone is ok.


I’m stressed over this entire thing; there I was walking and sniffing stuff when out of nowhere WOOF! This mean beastie starts bullying me. All the two legged hairless things start yelling and I’m airplaning at the end of my neck rope.


This ordeal is going in my journal…


happy to be living
I’m stressed over this entire thing; there I was walking and sniffing stuff when out of nowhere WOOF! This mean beastie starts bullying me. All the two legged hairless things start yelling and I’m airplaning at the end of my neck rope.


This ordeal is going in my journal…



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I’m stressed over this entire thing; there I was walking and sniffing stuff when out of nowhere WOOF! This mean beastie starts bullying me. All the two legged hairless things start yelling and I’m airplaning at the end of my neck rope.


This ordeal is going in my journal…



Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
I’m stressed over this entire thing; there I was walking and sniffing stuff when out of nowhere WOOF! This mean beastie starts bullying me. All the two legged hairless things start yelling and I’m airplaning at the end of my neck rope.


This ordeal is going in my journal…
:poorbaby: Poor Apollo! I sure hope you's feeling better by now. :love:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
In my stroll through the internet looking for loose dog at campground stories, it's amazing how many ignorant careless owners there are out there. A guy on one forum was basically like, "Get over it, if my dog wants to bark at you or run over and 'say hi' that's his right and you need to quit being such a grouch."

Then there are the myriad owners who insist that "their dog is friendly and would never hurt a fly", completely disregarding the fact that the person the dog runs up to and jumps on doesn't know that.

I am way less alarmed by small dogs than large dogs, simply because of damage done. A small dog might bite you, but it's unlikely to kill you or your pet or cause major damage the way a larger dog can. HOWEVER your ankle biter needs to be on a leash as well. One lady insisted that her Yorkie could never hurt anyone and she promptly got her ass handed to her. :lol:

Anyway, people are stupid.


Well-Known Member
We were just attacked by a dog at the campground. We were out walking Apollo, it was dark out, and this dog came out of nowhere trying to get at him. I kept trying to fend the dog off and keep between him and Apollo, Monello was trying to fend him off, his owner comes rolling out and starts yelling AT US!!, Monello and I are screaming at her to get her effing dog, she's standing there yelling like an idiot - "he's friendly, he's friendly!" No, bitch, he's not freaking friendly when he's attacking my dog and you won't pull him off.

I kicked the dog in the side and he backed off - it was chaos so I don't really remember exactly but after exchanging some words with the owner she got the dog under control and we left. Met up with one of the campground workers who was rolling around and told him what happened. He said he couldn't really do anything about it if we didn't know what lot number it was - which we didn't because there was a lot going on and all we wanted at that point was to get away from that nut and her dog. Another worker heard the commotion so we told them what had happened, too. Tomorrow I'll report it at the main office.

Now, the dog was a yellow lab looking pooch, so he may very well be friendly under other circumstances - but when he comes at me and my dog and won't back off, that's that. Not to mention dogs aren't supposed to be off leash EVER unless they're in the dog park.

Now, this incident could have ended much differently. Her dog could have injured me or Monello or Apollo (we're all fine). But let's pretend he is just curious - except for the part where he ran at us and practically mauled me trying to get to Apollo, but let's pretend. Dog comes at me in the dark, I have a taser or even a gun. Bye doggie! And that would be the owner's fault for not controlling her animal.

I'll go to the office tomorrow and report it. Not sure if I should call the police, an even then I can only give a general area of where their RV is and not the specific spot. Doubtful they'll go door to door and search for the dog. I'm really upset about this.


Even if you think he's friendly, other people don't know that. And if he attacks someone or their pet and they put him down, IT'S YOUR FAULT.
Know how to keep that from happening again? Carry a broomhandle metal/wood; doesn't matter. If another attack does occur; aim for the cheap seats. When I was growing up, one older gent in the 'hood walked every evening around 6; carried a stick that was 3-4 ft. long. I asked him why he carried that stick; "dogs," he replied.
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black dog

Free America
Know how to keep that from happening again? Carry a broomhandle metal/wood; doesn't matter. If another attack does occur; aim for the cheap seats. When I was growing up, one older gent in the 'hood walked every evening around 6; carried a stick that was 3-4 ft. long. I asked him why he carried that stick; "dogs," he replied.

A firearm is so much more convenient.. you can beat the $hit out of some breeds with a 2 x 4 and they could care less..
The loss of blood pressure just takes​ the fight right out of them.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
A firearm is so much more convenient.. you can beat the $hit out of some breeds with a 2 x 4 and they could care less..
The loss of blood pressure just takes​ the fight right out of them.

Oh. I thought he meant to whack the owner with it.


Well-Known Member
A firearm is so much more convenient.. you can beat the $hit out of some breeds with a 2 x 4 and they could care less..
The loss of blood pressure just takes​ the fight right out of them.

Pit, Lab it makes no difference,,,, a matching pair of 147 grain Hydra Shok's in the chest and it's days of having a poor owner and training are over. 2 bucks well spent.

So you need a gun to handle a dog? Are you a cripple?

black dog

Free America
Pit, Lab it makes no difference,,,, a matching pair of 147 grain Hydra Shok's in the chest and it's days of having a poor owner and training are over. 2 bucks well spent.

So you need a gun to handle a dog? Are you a cripple?

Here, I'll ad to this just for you. Pit, Lab, gangster, thug, Crackhead, bully, gymrat or whatever it makes no difference to me. Eminent Danger is the line in the sand.
It's tough to fight when you are rapidly loosing blood pressure..

It's funny how it's aways the muscle heads that cry for mommy when they start bleeding..