Accident on 235 near WalMart

Can't be more specific, because I only heard it thru my open window. And it was a hard hit. A terrific BANG, THEN the squeal of tires.

Watching the traffic cams, rescue from 6th district and Lex Park both went out with ambulances and heavy equipment.


God bless the USA
Maybe I will. I can arrest your crackhead thieving son. Nite Nite.

So, you are a cop, too? Why are you on the forum? Don't you have real patrolling to do? No, you are not a cop, and you are just trolling. I made myself laugh! :lol: As far as my son, you don't know what his status is. I will tell you he has no reason to be arrested. He is doing well. Oh, and yeah, F U. If that's all you got and you act like a cop, you need to be fired from the force. After all your posts over the years, I know now, that you are a liar. As far as previous comments about you that have been made, you truly need to get out of the basement, or from under the rock, or wherever you dwell. Get some fresh air. It will do you good.

Thanks for the late night laugh! :roflmao:
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