House passes Section 702 reauthorization


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The House acted to reauthorize a controversial spy law on Thursday that allows the federal government to keep tabs on foreigners suspected of committing crimes.

Before the vote, House Speaker Paul Ryan took to the floor to explain what Section 702 actually does in an attempt to quiet discontent.

'This is about foreign terrorists on foreign soil. That’s what this is about,' he said.

Sen. Rand Paul, the sponsor of a bill to restrict the government's spying powers under Section 702, warned Thursday that he would fillibuster the House-passed legislation if he had to.

Calling it a 'flawed bill that will continue the warrantless surveillance of innocent Americans,' Paul said, 'No American should have their right to privacy taken away.

'I will keep doing everything in my power, including filibuster, to oppose this legislation and to speak out and stand up for forcing the government to get a warrant based on probable cause, as required by the Constitution.'