Why the Left Wants More and More Immigrants


PREMO Member
The first and most obvious reason is political. The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, chain migration, sanctuary cities, and citizenship for immigrants living in the country illegally will give the left political power.

An estimated 70 to 80 percent of Latin American immigrants will vote Democrat. So, with enough new voters from Latin America alone, the Democrats would essentially be assured the presidency and Congress for decades.


The second reason for the left’s support for virtually unlimited immigration is that one of the most enduring tenets of the left—from Karl Marx to the present-day Democratic Party and left-wing parties in Western Europe—is that the nation-state is an anachronism.

That’s why the American left supported the football players who refused to stand for the national anthem. For the left, reverence for the national anthem and the flag is a pathetic “patriotism” celebrated by the simple-minded and the deplorable.

The left has never divided the world by nation-states but by economic classes.

Why the Left Wants More and More Immigrants