Teens between 14 and 18 have far better BS detectors ...


PREMO Member
Because these children are apparently doing a better job at broadcasting his own ineffectual political views, Douglas asserts, "we should include them more directly in our democratic process" by enfranchising them now.

Harvard law professor Laurence Tribe similarly tweeted, "Teens between 14 and 18 have far better BS detectors, on average, than 'adults' 18 and older." On what basis does distinguished Professor Tribe make such a claim? On a foundation of pure, steaming BS.


This is not compassion, but abdication. America is not a juvenilocracy. It is a constitutional republic. There is a reason we don't elect high school sophomores and juniors to public office or allow them to cast ballots. There are many, many reasons, actually.

Pubescents are fueled by hormones and dopamine and pizza and Sonic shakes. They're fickle and fragile and fierce and forgetful. They hate you. They love you. They need you. They ignore you. They know everything. They know nothing. All in the span of 10 seconds. I know. I have two of them.

If you're lucky, they've only Googled "Should I eat Tide pods?" or "What happens if I snort Ramen powder?" and not actually attempted the latest social media stunt challenges.

But that's what kids do. Because they're kids.



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Tribe has a point in that children are generally honest and we adults teach them things like "tolerance" and "being polite" and "assimilation". Not teenagers so much because we've already conditioned them by then, for the most part, but little kids are typically honest to the point we make them stop it.

Teenagers, however, are prone to flights of fancy and are largely followers, not leaders. Fads, trends, fashion, hairstyles, expressions....those are teenage things because they want to be unique and original just like everybody else. I'll bet at least half of those kids couldn't even tell you what they're marching and freaking out over - they're just going along with their friends.


Happy Creepy Ass Cracka
Does that explain why CNN cannot trust students to ask their own questions?
