38KKK bra size

Her back is gonna love her in a few years...:doh:

FOXNews.com - Woman Sets Breast Implants Record: 38KKK - Health News | Current Health News | Medical News

A woman from Texas has reportedly undergone nine breast enlargement operations to become the proud owner of the world's largest breasts — size 38KKK.

American doctors had refused to carry out any more operations on Sheyla Hershey, 28, when her breasts were a staggering 34FFF, but that didn't stop her from going under the knife for the record breaking surgery.
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Here back is gonna love her in a few years...:doh:

FOXNews.com - Woman Sets Breast Implants Record: 38KKK - Health News | Current Health News | Medical News

A woman from Texas has reportedly undergone nine breast enlargement operations to become the proud owner of the world's largest breasts — size 38KKK.

American doctors had refused to carry out any more operations on Sheyla Hershey, 28, when her breasts were a staggering 34FFF, but that didn't stop her from going under the knife for the record breaking surgery.

A gallon of silicone? Yowza!


Lem Putt
Wirelessly posted (Change we can believe in!: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows CE; IEMobile 7.7) 320x240; VZW; Motorola-Q9c; Windows Mobile 6.0 Standard)

Here back? What does that mean Kwilly?

Imagine the juggling you could do with those!


Methodically disorganized
Finally, a pair of tatas even the most discerning white supremacist could love.

Too bad she had to have them done to make the record; if they were real that would be something neat.


No Longer the Kid
I thought this thread was about you for a second there kwillia :huggy:

I knew they were ginormous, but that there :faint:


Would THIS face lie?
:yikes: Read the comments on her website...hilarious.

They make her a Goddess....I think she's an attention whore....I like the comment from the Swede: "Thanks for sharing all your pictures, they are great! If you ever comes to Sweden... just let me know if you need a place to stay :)"