Cyber Cop
Dear Friends of Marlow Heights 60s and 70s:
The third Mighty Mo reunion will be this June 9-10th, at the Antietam Gallery, Sharpsburg, Maryland (Telephone 301-432-5868). In addition to the Mighty Mo’s (aka Royal Burgers at Jr. Hot Shoppes), fries, onion rings as you remember them, and Orange Freezes, there will be the vaunted Hot Shoppes Hot Fudge Cake! As someone that worked at Jr. Hot Shoppes (Iverson Mall) I can tell you that they have the recipe down pretty good. If you’ve been having a taste for those old Marriott classics, don’t put it off, because in a few years this sort of thing will be gone forever. Also, there will be an emphasis on the old Tops Drive-In (Sirloiner, anyone?). A half a generation before me, but still prominent in many site visitor’s memories. I also understand that at some Bob’s Big Boys (mainly in Southern California), they still serve Pappy Parker fried chicken and the, “Slim Jim”, which was similar to Hot Shoppes’, “Teen Twist”. By the way, yours truly will be there on the 9th, probably from noonish until mid afternoon, in full “Grit” regalia—Banlon shirt, Macks, Chucks, tube socks, and slicked back hair. Strait out of PG County Central Casting!
Silver Hill Elementary School
Added more class photos for the school, as well as a picture of the school building. Also added a request from Lisa Zimmerman, who is looking for old classmates from the school:
There is interest for a “local” get together this year for alumni of Potomac’s Class of ’76, and classes near to that. If so interested, let me know so we can start putting something together. Some have suggested consolidating previous/following graduating classes, such as ’74-’75, and ’77-‘78. Right now we’re considering having the get together in September, at Fort Washington park or another location Clinton. Yours truly wanted it in Marlow or Hillcrest Heights, but was outvoted. Any reason folks don’t want to spend some quality time in the old neighborhoods? J
Speaking of reunions, Potomac Class of ’77 will be observing their 30-year reunion this October:
Also made additions and updates to the, “Whatever Happened To…?”, pages:
The Guest Book now has 233 entries. That's 233 people that grew up in our area, and the entries they’ve created are some great first person accounts of what it was like being here in the 60s and 70s. If you haven’t signed the Guest Book yet, I encourage you to do so. The more of us that have entries, the more we increase our chances that old friends and classmates can find us:
For those of you that remember the old Saturday night horror movie hosts, I’m sad to say that Lawson Deming, who was known as, “Sir Graves Ghastly”, passed away last month. Here’s a link to the official Sir Graves site:
Although the show was most prominent in Detroit, for a time in the early 70s it was also produced here at WTOP Channel 9. Mr. Deming would fly in here every week or two to tape the shows, and they would air on Saturday nights. Back in September 1970, my very good friend, Billy Hull, and I visited WTOP’s studios to watch a taping of the show. Here are some pictures from that:
Finally, as we’re observing Memorial Day, keep in mind those that have served and have made the ultimate sacrifice. Regardless of your politics or opinions on our current conflict, let’s appreciate the sacrifices made by others, to keep our country strong and free. As a 20-year military retiree, it means a lot to me to say, “All gave some, but some gave all”.
Keep the memories alive,
The third Mighty Mo reunion will be this June 9-10th, at the Antietam Gallery, Sharpsburg, Maryland (Telephone 301-432-5868). In addition to the Mighty Mo’s (aka Royal Burgers at Jr. Hot Shoppes), fries, onion rings as you remember them, and Orange Freezes, there will be the vaunted Hot Shoppes Hot Fudge Cake! As someone that worked at Jr. Hot Shoppes (Iverson Mall) I can tell you that they have the recipe down pretty good. If you’ve been having a taste for those old Marriott classics, don’t put it off, because in a few years this sort of thing will be gone forever. Also, there will be an emphasis on the old Tops Drive-In (Sirloiner, anyone?). A half a generation before me, but still prominent in many site visitor’s memories. I also understand that at some Bob’s Big Boys (mainly in Southern California), they still serve Pappy Parker fried chicken and the, “Slim Jim”, which was similar to Hot Shoppes’, “Teen Twist”. By the way, yours truly will be there on the 9th, probably from noonish until mid afternoon, in full “Grit” regalia—Banlon shirt, Macks, Chucks, tube socks, and slicked back hair. Strait out of PG County Central Casting!
Silver Hill Elementary School
Added more class photos for the school, as well as a picture of the school building. Also added a request from Lisa Zimmerman, who is looking for old classmates from the school:
There is interest for a “local” get together this year for alumni of Potomac’s Class of ’76, and classes near to that. If so interested, let me know so we can start putting something together. Some have suggested consolidating previous/following graduating classes, such as ’74-’75, and ’77-‘78. Right now we’re considering having the get together in September, at Fort Washington park or another location Clinton. Yours truly wanted it in Marlow or Hillcrest Heights, but was outvoted. Any reason folks don’t want to spend some quality time in the old neighborhoods? J
Speaking of reunions, Potomac Class of ’77 will be observing their 30-year reunion this October:
Also made additions and updates to the, “Whatever Happened To…?”, pages:
The Guest Book now has 233 entries. That's 233 people that grew up in our area, and the entries they’ve created are some great first person accounts of what it was like being here in the 60s and 70s. If you haven’t signed the Guest Book yet, I encourage you to do so. The more of us that have entries, the more we increase our chances that old friends and classmates can find us:
For those of you that remember the old Saturday night horror movie hosts, I’m sad to say that Lawson Deming, who was known as, “Sir Graves Ghastly”, passed away last month. Here’s a link to the official Sir Graves site:
Although the show was most prominent in Detroit, for a time in the early 70s it was also produced here at WTOP Channel 9. Mr. Deming would fly in here every week or two to tape the shows, and they would air on Saturday nights. Back in September 1970, my very good friend, Billy Hull, and I visited WTOP’s studios to watch a taping of the show. Here are some pictures from that:
Finally, as we’re observing Memorial Day, keep in mind those that have served and have made the ultimate sacrifice. Regardless of your politics or opinions on our current conflict, let’s appreciate the sacrifices made by others, to keep our country strong and free. As a 20-year military retiree, it means a lot to me to say, “All gave some, but some gave all”.
Keep the memories alive,