3rd Round of the Lord Stanley Bowl


Donbar 12
MMDad 16.......MMDad 16
...................Lord Stan 16...........LordStan 30
.....................Buff Bill 2..............Buff Bill 22
Daddy-0 8.......Buddy Lee 8
Buddy Lee 8

Firebrand 18
DoWhat 0.........Firebrand 18
...................... Rael 12............,....Rael 26
.......................Gumbo 8...............Pete 8
Kom526 0...........Pete 2
Pete 2

Patriots-14 Chargers
Packers-7 Giants............Need total points for this game.
This week.. Pick one game for 5 points and the other for 10 points.
Good luck:buddies:


Donbar 12
MMDad 16.......MMDad 16
...................Lord Stan 16...........LordStan 30
..................................................................LordStanly 35
.....................Buff Bill 2..............Buff Bill 22
Daddy-0 8.......Buddy Lee 8
Buddy Lee 8

Firebrand 18
DoWhat 0.........Firebrand 18
...................... Rael 12............,....Rael 26
..................................................................Rael 41
.......................Gumbo 8...............Pete 8
Kom526 0...........Pete 2
Pete 2

Beefalow Bob--0


I know nothing
Donbar 12
MMDad 16.......MMDad 16
...................Lord Stan 16...........LordStan 30
..................................................................LordStanly 35
.....................Buff Bill 2..............Buff Bill 22
Daddy-0 8.......Buddy Lee 8
Buddy Lee 8

Firebrand 18
DoWhat 0.........Firebrand 18
...................... Rael 12............,....Rael 26
..................................................................Rael 41
.......................Gumbo 8...............Pete 8
Kom526 0...........Pete 2
Pete 2

Beefalow Bob--0

WOW!!!! I thought I lost..... Never would have guess, that not only did the Giants cover the spread, they actually won. My wife was so happy, her giants won last night, I actually got some booty:whistle:

Looks Like its Rael and myself are gettin ready for round 2!!!! :buddies:


New Member
WOW!!!! I thought I lost..... Never would have guess, that not only did the Giants cover the spread, they actually won. My wife was so happy, her giants won last night, I actually got some booty:whistle:

Looks Like its Rael and myself are gettin ready for round 2!!!! :buddies:

Nice game, Good luck!


Supper's Ready
WOW!!!! I thought I lost..... Never would have guess, that not only did the Giants cover the spread, they actually won. My wife was so happy, her giants won last night, I actually got some booty:whistle:

Looks Like its Rael and myself are gettin ready for round 2!!!! :buddies:
Yes, sir-ree :buddies: Initial spread was around 13 or so I think, but today I saw 12. By the time it is a few days before, I'm thinking it will be much closer.
We have a non-deliverable :cheers: here to you? Now that is a :nono: