4' Round bale hay for sale - cattle


A horse of course!
Classified Ad Number: 42774
Advertisement - Pets & Animals

50 - 60 available; 1st cutting, mixed grass hay, tightly packed, net wrapped, barn stored on the bottom row. Barn doors leaked and the bottom side got wet several inches into each bale during Hurricane Irene. Can store until needed (for this season) with full payment up front, can deliver between Ridge and Charlotte Hall for fuel/delivery charge.


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Classified Ad Number: 42774
Advertisement - Pets & Animals

50 - 60 available; 1st cutting, mixed grass hay, tightly packed, net wrapped, barn stored on the bottom row. Barn doors leaked and the bottom side got wet several inches into each bale during Hurricane Irene. Can store until needed (for this season) with full payment up front, can deliver between Ridge and Charlotte Hall for fuel/delivery charge.

Do you still have the round bales that got wet for sale?


Does my butt look big?
Classified Ad Number: 42774
Advertisement - Pets & Animals

50 - 60 available; 1st cutting, mixed grass hay, tightly packed, net wrapped, barn stored on the bottom row. Barn doors leaked and the bottom side got wet several inches into each bale during Hurricane Irene. Can store until needed (for this season) with full payment up front, can deliver between Ridge and Charlotte Hall for fuel/delivery charge.

Do you still have the round bales that got wet for sale?

Nope I think she is fresh out of those ones sorry... :geek: