4 simple approaches to increase how much you save



Saving money is something that we all know we should do. There are a few simple things that everyone can do that will help boost the amount of cash you save. How many times have you expected more details on where to find quick payday loans no credit check, and resorted to an online search on "personal loans bad credit?" Look no further, all the information you will need is at MatchFinacial.com.

1 - Immediate savings

Instead of having a direct deposit into your bank account, direct deposit into your savings account. Then, every month, transfer the cash you have budgeted into your checking account. Whenever you go over budget, it is a lot more work to transfer the cash into your checking account, which could change your mind.

2 - Set up regular contributions

Budget your cash as if it has never entered your account by setting up automatic contributions to your retirement or savings accounts. It will come out of your accounts electronically with regular contributions.

3 - Only use money to pay

Use money instead of a card. Debit and credit cards are there specifically to give you disconnect with cash. With cash with your hands, you will see exactly how the money is leaving you. You will be able to make real-time decisions. Only pull out enough spending money for the budget that month at the ATM or bank.

4 - Clean out pockets of change

Save all the change that you get in one jar. Eventually, pennies add up. You can take the jar, once it is full, to a CoinStar or other machine to count the coins for a fee. Most banks have a change counter for you to count your cash for free. Then, it can be deposited into your account more easily. Start savings those coins, and also you will start to save more cash.


Well-Known Member
Saving money is something that we all know we should do. There are a few simple things that everyone can do that will help boost the amount of cash you save. How many times have you expected more details on where to find quick payday loans no credit check, and resorted to an online search on "personal loans bad credit?" Look no further, all the information you will need is at MatchFinacial.com.

1 - Immediate savings

Instead of having a direct deposit into your bank account, direct deposit into your savings account. Then, every month, transfer the cash you have budgeted into your checking account. Whenever you go over budget, it is a lot more work to transfer the cash into your checking account, which could change your mind.

2 - Set up regular contributions

Budget your cash as if it has never entered your account by setting up automatic contributions to your retirement or savings accounts. It will come out of your accounts electronically with regular contributions.

3 - Only use money to pay

Use money instead of a card. Debit and credit cards are there specifically to give you disconnect with cash. With cash with your hands, you will see exactly how the money is leaving you. You will be able to make real-time decisions. Only pull out enough spending money for the budget that month at the ATM or bank.

4 - Clean out pockets of change

Save all the change that you get in one jar. Eventually, pennies add up. You can take the jar, once it is full, to a CoinStar or other machine to count the coins for a fee. Most banks have a change counter for you to count your cash for free. Then, it can be deposited into your account more easily. Start savings those coins, and also you will start to save more cash.

If you use a CoinStar to get rid of your change, the store it's in gets a cut.
You're better off taking said change to your bank; and if they have a CoinStar, sans fees, that's even better. I remember having to wrap pennies to take to the bank. That was tedious.


Well-Known Member
If you use a CoinStar to get rid of your change, the store it's in gets a cut.
You're better off taking said change to your bank; and if they have a CoinStar, sans fees, that's even better. I remember having to wrap pennies to take to the bank. That was tedious.

I sit down every few months and roll up my coins - usually around $100 bucks or so. Doesn't take long, a good thing to do with kids on a rainy day, and saves the ridiculous 10% or so fees these machines charge at the store, and you don't even know if the count is accurate..
I sit down every few months and roll up my coins - usually around $100 bucks or so. Doesn't take long, a good thing to do with kids on a rainy day, and saves the ridiculous 10% or so fees these machines charge at the store, and you don't even know if the count is accurate..

Banks still take rolled coins? I couldnt get wrappers from PNC once they installed the counting machine - they said they were done giving the wrappers out and we should quit rolling and just dump. I like the machine and hate rolling- so-Winner.
As for the source:

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