40,000 Dead in Pakistan: It's BUSH's fault!


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No I haven't heard this one yet ....just figured I'd get it out there before someone else does.


I'm already hearing whining that the response of "The West", re: The United States, is too slow. Well... maybe if our guys weren't having to deal with the terrorists that these mountain people protect they could devote more time and resources to helping out those in need.

Maybe we should tell them to look for Osama to come riding in with relief supplies... he's their hero after all.


This kid looks possessed........

<img src="http://us.news3.yimg.com/us.i2.yimg.com/p/afp/20051011/capt.sge.pwr98.111005002448.photo00.photo.default-389x260.jpg?x=380&y=253&sig=nlaRJCgZQHrx.2W44Sw0wg--">


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rack'm said:
"What took you so long, you racist pig!"


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SmallTown said:
Wow. Have conservatives really fallen this far?
No sense of humor much?

However, complaints have already come pouring in that governmental response to the disaster has been too slow.

Since last year's tsunami has already been blamed by some on the United States (from everything to our not signing the Kyoto treaty to our paltry funding of early warning systems throughout the South Pacific to the *withholding* of information, knowing the scope of the disaster but refusing to react, in order to kill Muslims), I figure it's really just a matter of time.

I've already read a Muslim article claiming that Katrina was Allah's retribution on the United States for their support of the evil Jews, and German articles claiming the latest hurricanes are a consequence of global warming (which, in turn, is *bad* because the United States didn't sign a treaty that wouldn't reduce global warming at all) - both, basically blaming the President. Add that to the already mounting volume of complaints piling the consequences of a hurricane, a flood, looting, a failing levee system and you get the idea.

When California finally gets the "big one", you can bet it'll be Bush's fault, along with Arnold's as well. And the "heroes" will be Boxer and Feinstein and Pelosi, who like Blanco, Landrieu and Nagin, knew a disaster was coming, but decided it'd be better to let it happen and gain political ground than actually DO something in preparation for it.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
SmallTown said:
Wow. Worse than I thought.
Will you apoligize and lick the bottom of Bruzilla's shoe if I can find you a quote by a Democrat blaming Bush for the earthquake in Pakistan?


Football season!
vraiblonde said:
Will you apoligize and lick the bottom of Bruzilla's shoe if I can find you a quote by a Democrat blaming Bush for the earthquake in Pakistan?
Makes you wonder, if the democrats are so irrelevant as has been claimed on here since Bush won the last election, why do you even bother with them at all? Problem is, on a board like this one person takes a comment, and uses it over and over again and since it is simple anti-dem propaganda, everyone rallies behind it. It is kind of funny, in a sad sort of way. Like little robots running around preaching whatever they were programmed to preach. Both sides, dems and republicans, do this... Difference is, dems are just too stupid to know any better, republicans are too pompous to care.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
SmallTown said:
If you have a quote, send it on. I'll add it to my bushims list of stupid quotes.
Only if you promise to apologize to Bru and lick the bottom of his shoe.


Football season!
vraiblonde said:
Only if you promise to apologize to Bru and lick the bottom of his shoe.
Doesn't matter either way. SamSpade said he was making up the quote in the first place. If his mind is so aligned with the dems, I wouldn't trust him around your gun laws :yikes:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
SmallTown said:
If his mind is so aligned with the dems, I wouldn't trust him around your gun laws
Well, we've only been hearing the same mantra every day for 5 years - at some point you can recite it before they say a word.


Football season!
vraiblonde said:
Well, we've only been hearing the same mantra every day for 5 years - at some point you can recite it before they say a word.
Hurry up with the quote, or should I just look for your post on the DU?


SmallTown said:
Wow. Worse than I thought.

Indeed, you are right. I too long for the day of old when...

A hurricane was just a storm and not a political event

People in the path of a hurricane were victims of the hurricane and not victims of the government

The term "nobody can control the weather" meant something

A "slow" response by the government was two weeks and not two days

Crappy local officials were just crappy local officials and not the victims of a conspiracy at the White House

People who didn't eat for two days were hungry, not victims of starvation

People in a disaster helped each other, not helped each other to the other guy's stuff - but only because the President forced them to!!!

Yes Smalltown, I too long for the day when the liberal media and the Democrats quit trying to blame every little "s&it happens" event on the George Bush, but alas... I fear that won't happen. So instead I sit and wait and watch CNN, awaiting Judy Woodruff's proclomation that the earthquake and resulting deaths were caused by George Bush as retaliation for not fully supporting his bogus war on terror.