40th anniversary ideas


New Member
Hi all, we are planning a surprise 40th wedding anniversary party for my in-laws next month (february). It will be a small party roughly 25 or so people. We have the hall, bartender, semi-booked the dj and I will do the cooking, can any give me ideas for favors, themes etc.

do you play games at annivsary parties, like you do at bridal showers, I am lost for this kind of party.

any help would be most greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance.


wandering aimlessly
We did a 50th a while back. Dinner, dancing, etc. We put up wedding pictures everywhere - some were blown up to poster size. Had most of the wedding party in attendance and put them at the head table. Sounds like your version will be more intimate, so a nice dinner and maybe a "This is your life" or "Roast" type of thing would be fun.


New Member
If you go to m&ms website you can make personalized candies to put in little bowl around. A friend of mine did that for her parents anniversary.


Free to Fly
Hi all, we are planning a surprise 40th wedding anniversary party for my in-laws next month (february). It will be a small party roughly 25 or so people. We have the hall, bartender, semi-booked the dj and I will do the cooking, can any give me ideas for favors, themes etc.

do you play games at annivsary parties, like you do at bridal showers, I am lost for this kind of party.

any help would be most greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance.

Will there be any of their friends there? Something I have seen done before is kind of like a version of the old Newlywed Game. You have the ladies leave the room, ask the men about 5 questions, bring the wives back, see if they answer the same way. Then you have the men go out and ask 5 more questions of the ladies, bring the husbands back etc. Couple with the most points wins a prize. You'd be surprised that couples who have been together the longest don't always know the most about each other! Just a suggestion. Congratulations to your in-laws!


But wait, there's more...
Maybe do something pertaining to the music from the year they got married (1968) ... e.g., pick a few of the top 20 songs from that year, and pick something the couple had in common or overcame pertaining to that song. Here's a list of the top 100 from that year.

If nothing else, just have several of those songs interlaced throughout your music offerings for the night. It'll be a trip down memory lane. :yay:


Happy Camper
I know it doesn't work out to the right year, but when our friend's parents celebrated their 50th, we got them a 50 cent piece minted in the year they were married. Turned out to be a great gift because he collected coins. Guess a Silver Dollar from the year they were married would work too. Please pass along my best wishes and congrats to them on their anniversary!!