$41 Billion Cost Projected To Remove Illegal Entrants


Super Genius
A new study by a liberal Washington think tank puts the cost of forcibly removing most of the nation's estimated 10 million illegal immigrants at $41 billion a year, a sum that exceeds the annual budget of the Department of Homeland Security.

Since it comes from a liberal think tank, we can assume that the estimate is high. Then there is this:
The study estimates that it would cost about $28 billion per year to apprehend illegal immigrants, $6 billion a year to detain them, $500 million for extra beds, $4 billion to secure borders, $2 million to legally process them and $1.6 billion to bus or fly them home.
Detain? Extra beds? "Legally process"? Screw that. Field trial...are you a citizen? No? Do you have a visa? No? Buh-bye.


Well-Known Member
Find the money..

By confiscating any belongings they purchased/stole while here.
Fine all employers who hire them.
100.00 tip line reward for successful detention/expulsion of an illegal.

(Its time to reward American citizens for doing their civic duty.)

If they just arrived: Have them work off their costly removal in a CCC style program in the SW.-then drop them off with a liter of water on the other side of the Rio.


I bowl overhand
ylexot said:
Forgot to mention...even at the over-inflated $41B they guestimated, it's a bargain.
Was going to ask.. and how much to keep them? Educate their illegal kids.. medical coverage... welfare... driverslicenses.. unfunded Social Security Benefits.. Food Stamps.. Free School Lunches.. Free Medical for the kids..

And that would probably surpass the 41B in a YEAR!!


Asperger's Poster Child
itsbob said:
Was going to ask.. and how much to keep them? Educate their illegal kids.. medical coverage... welfare... driverslicenses.. unfunded Social Security Benefits.. Food Stamps.. Free School Lunches.. Free Medical for the kids..
How are the illegals getting those services? I'm assuming that they use bogus Social Security cards.


New Member
Hessian said:
By confiscating any belongings they purchased/stole while here.
Fine all employers who hire them.
100.00 tip line reward for successful detention/expulsion of an illegal.

(Its time to reward American citizens for doing their civic duty.)

If they just arrived: Have them work off their costly removal in a CCC style program in the SW.-then drop them off with a liter of water on the other side of the Rio.

Now you're stereotyping illegals. These illegals are not just from the south of the Border. Some are from the northern border(Canada), Europe and Asia.


Well-Known Member

Give them a blanket and drop them on the other side of the Columbia/St Lawrence.
How's that?


Methodically disorganized
ylexot said:
Since it comes from a liberal think tank, we can assume that the estimate is high. Then there is this: Detain? Extra beds? "Legally process"? Screw that. Field trial...are you a citizen? No? Do you have a visa? No? Buh-bye.
Yep. They estimated $4 bln. to secure the borders. Hey, throw 10 at it! If they did that properly those other costs would be almost nil. Figure, they probably used slightly-adjusted (at best) figures for those other categories.

And consider the cost of no action (ie., where we are now), as itsbob did: it would likely exceed the $41 bln.

Haha... poor Libs, even when they overestimate the evil Republican wrath they can not win.


I bowl overhand
Tonio said:
How are the illegals getting those services? I'm assuming that they use bogus Social Security cards.
I'm sure this came up in Ca.. an illegal is afforded the same rights and BENEFITS that a US Citizen has, to include disability if they get hurt, OR come here already hurt.. THAT falls under SSI! So if you have a disable, you jup the boarda andss gett bennyfuts..


New Member
PJumper said:
Now you're stereotyping illegals. These illegals are not just from the south of the Border. Some are from the northern border(Canada), Europe and Asia.

The majority are from the south of the border...

its much harder to come into this country on a plane/boat illegally then by just going over the boarder


Lovin' being Texican
Tonio said:
How are the illegals getting those services? I'm assuming that they use bogus Social Security cards.

They come to Marlund and get a driver's license.

Even without a license you can walk into any emergency room, welfare office, or church and get all the entitlements you want.

It's the main reason the libs want to kill the domestic surveillance parts of the Amercan Patriot Act. The APA would require the states to only grant a driver's license to legals and would double check against other national and regional databases.

Once that happens, it get reeeeeeeel hard to swindle the gubment outta greenbacks.


I would like to see the numbers for the amount of benefit they bring to the economy, both in direct production and savings numbers. I would bet that is close to double the 41 billion AND the costs to teach their kids, health care, etc.