430 Iraq, Afghanistan Veterans Have Committed Suicide


Ubi bene ibi patria
"It’s time to change of count of American war dead upward.

The Associated Press has got hold of a preliminary government study on suicides by Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans. According to the VA, at least 283 combat veterans who left the military between the start of the war in Afghanistan on October 7, 2001 and the end of 2005 took their own lives. In addition, 147 troops have killed themselves in Iraq and Afghanistan since the wars began bringing the government count to 430.

The VA’s count is not a complete one, however. It does not include members of the military who returned from Iraq and then killed themselves before being discharged from the service – people like Sgt Brian Rand who shot himself in the head after returning home from his second tour."

At Least 430 Iraq, Afghanistan Veterans Have Committed Suicide | The War Comes Home, A Project of KPFA Radio

The Associated Press: Iraq, Afghan Vets at Risk for Suicides