4th of July at the Monument...Celebration of Independence or Free Show????


New Member
First of all, before I begin my complaining...the fireworks show at the Washington Monument was awesome as usual. Normally, I don't go there on a yearly basis, but my kids were up visiting and I figured they would enjoy it. Except for the Thunderstorm and Tornado Warnings, the day was great. We went to the zoo and visited the Mall and it's events. Overall, it was a great day.

Now to my complaint. Well actually it's more of an observation. First of all, don't get me wrong, I am not a racist and I have friends of all nationalities, races and religion. But while I was sitting on the Monument lawn, I noticed that I was nearly getting stepped on multiple times by this one individual. When I said something to this individual to please watch where he was stepping his response was "No Habla Ingles" or something to that effect. At first I just let it go then I started to looked around. Out of the 1000's of people I saw, it seemed that only a small percentage were actually speaking English. That started me thinking, why are they here? First of all, I don't have a problem with people joining American's in the celebration of the signing of "The Declaration of Independance" But how many people were actually there for that. Were they actually there to celebrate or were they simply there for a free firework show?

As I looked around I started to remember something I noticed earlier in the day. Throughout the mall there were bunches of shops set up. However, most of these shops were shops from other cultures such as Asia, China and other Eastern Countries. Only about 20% of the mall was dedicated to Virginia. Wait a minute....What does Asian cultures have to do with us celebrating our independence? Where are the displays of American Culture? Where are demonstrations on how to spin wool, churn butter, make home made ice cream and so on. Even in the Virginia section there was a narrative stage where they were talking about crops of black-eyed peas, grain and other cash crops in Africa.

Don't get me wrong...I don't have a problem with celebrating our Independence with other countries and natives from there. But I do have a problem with sitting at the Monument trying to watch the Fireworks surrounded by people who can't speak English and who are there just for a free show. Many of whom I am sure aren't actual US Citizens and some of them probably aren't even here legally. And when I mean Free Fireworks show...I mean free to them considering I pay taxes and since some are here illegally, they probably don't pay a cent in taxes...this bothers me.

I know some of you may not agree with what I have said here..but oh well. Walking back to the Metro was probably the most aggravating. Even though being herded like cattle into the station was a pain, the most disturbing part was when, while I was holding my daughters hand, a group of Hispanics bursting inbetween us causing me to lose grip with her hand. When I tried to reach back through and grab her hand, one of the females in the group said something in Spanish to me and took off. Since when is English becoming a second language? But that is another topic entirely.

One other incident that happened was while walking back to the Metro Station, a group of people were chanting "USA" in the street having a good time. Apparantly, some people took offense to it and started saying something back in another language. I am not sure what they were saying but I am sure it wasn't "USA" in French. All I have to say is WHY? We were all there celebrating our Independence...or so I thought!

Richard Cranium

New Member
I grew up bilingually and have picked up two additional languages in my early adulthood. Does this make me less American?

Seems to me like you're xenophobic, and I don't blame you. We're being drained by the masses of illegals streaming north, making a beeline for my (and your) wallet.

I think you may have been more upset that you didn't understand what was being shouted in French. How do you know it wasn't Italian or Portuguese?

I will admit, it is hilarious to go into a Hispanic store and speak Russian or French to them....and refuse to speak a lick of English or Spanish.


New Member
Richard Cranium said:
I grew up bilingually and have picked up two additional languages in my early adulthood. Does this make me less American?

Seems to me like you're xenophobic, and I don't blame you. We're being drained by the masses of illegals streaming north, making a beeline for my (and your) wallet.

I think you may have been more upset that you didn't understand what was being shouted in French. How do you know it wasn't Italian or Portuguese?

I will admit, it is hilarious to go into a Hispanic store and speak Russian or French to them....and refuse to speak a lick of English or Spanish.

I think you missed the point. I don't care that they speak another language...I do care that they can't speak a word or English or claim they can't. I don't see anything wrong with you speaking multiple languages..but apparantly you can speak English.

You misunderstood what I was stating when I said "it wasn't "USA" in French. That statement was describing that others were getting upset because people were shouting "USA". Why were they getting upset is the point I was trying to make.

I wish I was able to speak multiple languages so I can do what you do in Foreign stores..I admit that would be funny. I do my best when I travel, and I have traveled extensively, to learn at least some of the language of the country I am visiting. But I also feel that if they are going to live and work in the US...then they should learn English. If I lived in France..I am sure I would have to learn French or some French to get by


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
First of all, there was a festival going on earlier that day - that's why all the stands representing other countries.

Second, as I mentioned to the Jetmonkey as we were sitting there watching the fireworks, "See? Isn't this better than celebretory AK-47 fire?" I dig it, and I welcome other nationalities to enjoy our Independence Day celebration. If it weren't for immigrants, there would be no Mexican or Chinese restaurants, so I'm all for them :yay:


BillnChristi said:
When I said something to this individual to please watch where he was stepping his response was "No Habla Ingles" or something to that effect.

Learn this phrase.

Déjemé, perdedor que come habas!

It means: "Excuse me sir, but I'd like to politely ask you to go somewhere else."

That's not a literal translation.
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
BillnChristi said:
One other incident that happened was while walking back to the Metro Station, a group of people were chanting "USA" in the street having a good time. Apparantly, some people took offense to it and started saying something back in another language. I am not sure what they were saying but I am sure it wasn't "USA" in French.
They were probably shouting, "Quit screaming, you stupid drunks!" You don't know what they were saying, so there's no use speculating. This may surprise you, but immigrants are some of the most patriotic (to the US) people in this country. They make Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid look like Che Guevera.


Richard Cranium said:
I will admit, it is hilarious to go into a Hispanic store and speak Russian or French to them....and refuse to speak a lick of English or Spanish.


Now I have to learn another language so I can do that.

I'm thinking Mandarin or something Scandahoovian.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
First of all, there was a festival going on earlier that day - that's why all the stands representing other countries.

Second, as I mentioned to the Jetmonkey as we were sitting there watching the fireworks, "See? Isn't this better than celebretory AK-47 fire?" I dig it, and I welcome other nationalities to enjoy our Independence Day celebration. If it weren't for immigrants, there would be no Mexican or Chinese restaurants, so I'm all for them :yay:

Ok..why was there a festival representing other countries? My point is why? The Fourth of July is the celebration of the Signing of the Declaration of Independence. The festival should not have been started on the 4th or during the 4th. That space should have been used for other festivals, shops, shows, and so on that actually have to do with American History from the past to the present. As I stated in my earlier post...where are the demonstrations of churning butter, making ice cream and so on. Where are the uniforms of the Red-coats and US soldiers. Where are the history based discussions and so on?

The next part is where they actually there celebrating with us or just enjoying a free show? If they were there celebrating with us..then why did people (from other countries) get upset when people were chanting "USA". If they were there celebrating with us..then they shouldn't have gotten upset.

I don't have a problem with LEGAL immigrants. Restaurant owners and so forth are more than likely here legally. However, if they hire illegals to work here than I have a problem with it. But your statement that Mexican or Chinese Restaurants wouldn't be here if it weren't for immigrants is totally FALSE. Alot of those restaurants would still be in existance from American Entrepreneurs. In fact most of the items you actually eat in a Chinese restaurant aren't really chinese dishes...they are dishes developed for American tastes. Most of those dishes you won't see in China or any other Asian Country. They are fabricated for the taste of Americans and given Chinese names.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
They were probably shouting, "Quit screaming, you stupid drunks!" You don't know what they were saying, so there's no use speculating. This may surprise you, but immigrants are some of the most patriotic (to the US) people in this country. They make Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid look like Che Guevera.

you are right...I don't know exactly what they were saying...but I do know body language. And I know they were offended. And yes...I know immigrants can be very patriotic. But are ALL OF THEM? Your statements are assuming all immigrants are patriotic. My original post was only asking which were actually there to celebrate...and who were there for a free show. I said I don't have a problem that they were there to celebrate...but some of the ones I encountered there...seemed to only be there for the free show.

And how can we teach people about patriotism if there are NO shops or demonstrations set up for visitors to see. You are stuck on the immigrant portion of the post and not looking at it's entirety. Please read the whole post and think about it before you post on one specific topic. The reason of my post was for everything that was encountered...not just the immigrants.


BillnChristi said:
Ok..why was there a festival representing other countries? My point is why? The Fourth of July is the celebration of the Signing of the Declaration of Independence. The festival should not have been started on the 4th or during the 4th. That space should have been used for other festivals, shops, shows, and so on that actually have to do with American History from the past to the present. As I stated in my earlier post...where are the demonstrations of churning butter, making ice cream and so on. Where are the uniforms of the Red-coats and US soldiers. Where are the history based discussions and so on?

The next part is where they actually there celebrating with us or just enjoying a free show? If they were there celebrating with us..then why did people (from other countries) get upset when people were chanting "USA". If they were there celebrating with us..then they shouldn't have gotten upset.

41 years that festival has been going on during the 4th of July weekend. Why should they change it just because some people think it is not patriotic. There is a museum for American History on the mall with those things mentioned. Williamsburg has demonstrations, and same with St. Mary's city. America is about ethnic diversity, and that festival shows that American is not just about apple pie, and baseball.

Maybe the people speaking in a different language were saying that they are acting like a bunch of drunks.


This topic is a train wreck in progress, on one side you have those that believe that we should push illegals out and those that say we should embrace them. Well both are right, and both are wrong.
Yes if it wasn't for immagration we wouldn't be the country that we are today, but IMO the problemb is that immagrants flock here to take advantage of our health care ect. It's as if a good portion of them have absolutely no interest in actually "bettering" themselves.
Maybe Buddylee of Janey can attest (the only ones i know that are in college) how many immagrants do you see in college? how many of them are trying to learn english? how many of them are trying to "enter society"


New Member
WhoCares said:
41 years that festival has been going on during the 4th of July weekend. Why should they change it just because some people think it is not patriotic. There is a museum for American History on the mall with those things mentioned. Williamsburg has demonstrations, and same with St. Mary's city. America is about ethnic diversity, and that festival shows that American is not just about apple pie, and baseball.

Maybe the people speaking in a different language were saying that they are acting like a bunch of drunks.

I know the Festival has been going on for a while....I just don't remember it only being or mostly being other ethnicities. I seem to remember in years past of alot of American Foods and so on. This was the first time I didn't see a single American History display or anything. The Museum can be visited anytime...along with St. Mary's City. But only once a year is there a Fourth of July at the Monument.

I guess I don't like change. I didn't mind the ethnic portions. I guess I just didn't like the fact that I didn't see any demonstrations for the kids to enjoy. I have seen them hundreds of times...but I was kindof hoping they would see them too. I guess next year, I will find a place that will specifically focus on that. Even if I do have to drive to Williamsburg.


J.F. A sus ordenes!
I vote for some diversity training for all!!! :lmao:

We continue to be an independent nation with opportunites given to all whether they are legal or not. For the most part we are the greatest nation in the world and if your are going to get angry because someone doesn't speak english, move to Great Britain and yu can be made fun of for not speaking the Queens English.

No matter where you go there is always something to ##### about.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
BillnChristi said:
My original post was only asking which were actually there to celebrate...and who were there for a free show.
I frankly admit I was there for the free show, and I'm a born, bred and breedin' 'Murcan.

I suspect most of the born-heres were there for the show as well, and not necessarily to wax patriotic.


New Member
BillnChristi said:
Ok..why was there a festival representing other countries? My point is why? The Fourth of July is the celebration of the Signing of the Declaration of Independence. The festival should not have been started on the 4th or during the 4th. That space should have been used for other festivals, shops, shows, and so on that actually have to do with American History from the past to the present. As I stated in my earlier post...where are the demonstrations of churning butter, making ice cream and so on. Where are the uniforms of the Red-coats and US soldiers. Where are the history based discussions and so on?

The next part is where they actually there celebrating with us or just enjoying a free show? If they were there celebrating with us..then why did people (from other countries) get upset when people were chanting "USA". If they were there celebrating with us..then they shouldn't have gotten upset.

I don't have a problem with LEGAL immigrants. Restaurant owners and so forth are more than likely here legally. However, if they hire illegals to work here than I have a problem with it. But your statement that Mexican or Chinese Restaurants wouldn't be here if it weren't for immigrants is totally FALSE. Alot of those restaurants would still be in existance from American Entrepreneurs. In fact most of the items you actually eat in a Chinese restaurant aren't really chinese dishes...they are dishes developed for American tastes. Most of those dishes you won't see in China or any other Asian Country. They are fabricated for the taste of Americans and given Chinese names.

I agree, IMO the festival in DC should maybe be about DC or America. I mean in Williamsburg they go all out for their city and have the people dress up and reinact and stuff like that. Why not do that in DC? I went 2 years ago and they had a farming section(about beef, poltury, etc..) and they gave recipes out for "All American Food" and stuff like that. I would rather learn about "Our" country before I learn about other countries.

I also think, it stinks when illegals come here and take "our" jobs away because they are cheaper labor and don't mind being someones b!tch on the job site.

Also, if you live in the USA learn to speak some kind of English, I mean why do I have to press 1 for Spanish?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Poohhunny1605 said:
I would rather learn about "Our" country before I learn about other countries.
In order for you to truly learn about "our" country, you must also learn about "other" countries because we're a very young nation of immigrants, colonized by Europeans.

So, in my opinion, the Folklife Festival IS about "our country" and is as American as apple pie (which originated in England).


Active Member
BillnChristi said:
First of all, before I begin my complaining...the fireworks show at the Washington Monument was awesome as usual. Normally, I don't go there on a yearly basis, but my kids were up visiting and I figured they would enjoy it. Except for the Thunderstorm and Tornado Warnings, the day was great. We went to the zoo and visited the Mall and it's events. Overall, it was a great day.

Now to my complaint. Well actually it's more of an observation. First of all, don't get me wrong, I am not a racist and I have friends of all nationalities, races and religion. But while I was sitting on the Monument lawn, I noticed that I was nearly getting stepped on multiple times by this one individual. When I said something to this individual to please watch where he was stepping his response was "No Habla Ingles" or something to that effect. At first I just let it go then I started to looked around. Out of the 1000's of people I saw, it seemed that only a small percentage were actually speaking English. That started me thinking, why are they here? First of all, I don't have a problem with people joining American's in the celebration of the signing of "The Declaration of Independance" But how many people were actually there for that. Were they actually there to celebrate or were they simply there for a free firework show?

As I looked around I started to remember something I noticed earlier in the day. Throughout the mall there were bunches of shops set up. However, most of these shops were shops from other cultures such as Asia, China and other Eastern Countries. Only about 20% of the mall was dedicated to Virginia. Wait a minute....What does Asian cultures have to do with us celebrating our independence? Where are the displays of American Culture? Where are demonstrations on how to spin wool, churn butter, make home made ice cream and so on. Even in the Virginia section there was a narrative stage where they were talking about crops of black-eyed peas, grain and other cash crops in Africa.

Don't get me wrong...I don't have a problem with celebrating our Independence with other countries and natives from there. But I do have a problem with sitting at the Monument trying to watch the Fireworks surrounded by people who can't speak English and who are there just for a free show. Many of whom I am sure aren't actual US Citizens and some of them probably aren't even here legally. And when I mean Free Fireworks show...I mean free to them considering I pay taxes and since some are here illegally, they probably don't pay a cent in taxes...this bothers me.

I know some of you may not agree with what I have said here..but oh well. Walking back to the Metro was probably the most aggravating. Even though being herded like cattle into the station was a pain, the most disturbing part was when, while I was holding my daughters hand, a group of Hispanics bursting inbetween us causing me to lose grip with her hand. When I tried to reach back through and grab her hand, one of the females in the group said something in Spanish to me and took off. Since when is English becoming a second language? But that is another topic entirely.

One other incident that happened was while walking back to the Metro Station, a group of people were chanting "USA" in the street having a good time. Apparantly, some people took offense to it and started saying something back in another language. I am not sure what they were saying but I am sure it wasn't "USA" in French. All I have to say is WHY? We were all there celebrating our Independence...or so I thought!
I too think that living in a country means speaking the language of that country. I would not expect to go to another country and have them learn my language. If you think that a country is good enough to make you want to move their and raise your family. Why would you not want to learn the language and communicate with the citizens. I have no problem with immigrants sharing their culture with us and I have no problem with them wanting to celebrate where they came from. If I go to a say hispanic cultural festival I have no problem if people are speaking in their native tongue or if they are conversing with people who understand their language but I don't think it is fair to expect to come to this country and have everyone change to accodomdate you. I would not expect it if I went to another country. And I can bet they wouldn't be willing to change for me either. And just for the record I have no problem with the immigrant population in this country. I think they are hard working and good family people with alot to offer us. Just take the time to learn our language.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
In order for you to truly learn about "our" country, you must also learn about "other" countries because we're a very young nation of immigrants, colonized by Europeans.

So, in my opinion, the Folklife Festival IS about "our country" and is as American as apple pie (which originated in England).

I agree w/you there, I do believe that we should learn we're the roots of all sorts of immigrants, but, on the same note, why not show the Native Americans some respect, we took over their country? They should have something on them too if they are going to praise everyone else.! :Shrug:

I'm part Cherokee and we don't get any appreciation lol

Just to add real quick! If you watch the news, how many people do you see actually know what Memorial Day, Independence Day, and Thanksgiving are all about? IMO we should focus on the basics in the USA first before making the younger generations learn about other cultures appreciation days first..(My neice could count to 20 in Spanish before she could English and she's 4 1/2) I think it is wonderful to keep children open-minded, but I feel that the younger generation should know our ABC's and 123's in English before Spanish? Am I wrong?
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