New Member
First of all, before I begin my complaining...the fireworks show at the Washington Monument was awesome as usual. Normally, I don't go there on a yearly basis, but my kids were up visiting and I figured they would enjoy it. Except for the Thunderstorm and Tornado Warnings, the day was great. We went to the zoo and visited the Mall and it's events. Overall, it was a great day.
Now to my complaint. Well actually it's more of an observation. First of all, don't get me wrong, I am not a racist and I have friends of all nationalities, races and religion. But while I was sitting on the Monument lawn, I noticed that I was nearly getting stepped on multiple times by this one individual. When I said something to this individual to please watch where he was stepping his response was "No Habla Ingles" or something to that effect. At first I just let it go then I started to looked around. Out of the 1000's of people I saw, it seemed that only a small percentage were actually speaking English. That started me thinking, why are they here? First of all, I don't have a problem with people joining American's in the celebration of the signing of "The Declaration of Independance" But how many people were actually there for that. Were they actually there to celebrate or were they simply there for a free firework show?
As I looked around I started to remember something I noticed earlier in the day. Throughout the mall there were bunches of shops set up. However, most of these shops were shops from other cultures such as Asia, China and other Eastern Countries. Only about 20% of the mall was dedicated to Virginia. Wait a minute....What does Asian cultures have to do with us celebrating our independence? Where are the displays of American Culture? Where are demonstrations on how to spin wool, churn butter, make home made ice cream and so on. Even in the Virginia section there was a narrative stage where they were talking about crops of black-eyed peas, grain and other cash crops in Africa.
Don't get me wrong...I don't have a problem with celebrating our Independence with other countries and natives from there. But I do have a problem with sitting at the Monument trying to watch the Fireworks surrounded by people who can't speak English and who are there just for a free show. Many of whom I am sure aren't actual US Citizens and some of them probably aren't even here legally. And when I mean Free Fireworks show...I mean free to them considering I pay taxes and since some are here illegally, they probably don't pay a cent in taxes...this bothers me.
I know some of you may not agree with what I have said here..but oh well. Walking back to the Metro was probably the most aggravating. Even though being herded like cattle into the station was a pain, the most disturbing part was when, while I was holding my daughters hand, a group of Hispanics bursting inbetween us causing me to lose grip with her hand. When I tried to reach back through and grab her hand, one of the females in the group said something in Spanish to me and took off. Since when is English becoming a second language? But that is another topic entirely.
One other incident that happened was while walking back to the Metro Station, a group of people were chanting "USA" in the street having a good time. Apparantly, some people took offense to it and started saying something back in another language. I am not sure what they were saying but I am sure it wasn't "USA" in French. All I have to say is WHY? We were all there celebrating our Independence...or so I thought!
Now to my complaint. Well actually it's more of an observation. First of all, don't get me wrong, I am not a racist and I have friends of all nationalities, races and religion. But while I was sitting on the Monument lawn, I noticed that I was nearly getting stepped on multiple times by this one individual. When I said something to this individual to please watch where he was stepping his response was "No Habla Ingles" or something to that effect. At first I just let it go then I started to looked around. Out of the 1000's of people I saw, it seemed that only a small percentage were actually speaking English. That started me thinking, why are they here? First of all, I don't have a problem with people joining American's in the celebration of the signing of "The Declaration of Independance" But how many people were actually there for that. Were they actually there to celebrate or were they simply there for a free firework show?
As I looked around I started to remember something I noticed earlier in the day. Throughout the mall there were bunches of shops set up. However, most of these shops were shops from other cultures such as Asia, China and other Eastern Countries. Only about 20% of the mall was dedicated to Virginia. Wait a minute....What does Asian cultures have to do with us celebrating our independence? Where are the displays of American Culture? Where are demonstrations on how to spin wool, churn butter, make home made ice cream and so on. Even in the Virginia section there was a narrative stage where they were talking about crops of black-eyed peas, grain and other cash crops in Africa.
Don't get me wrong...I don't have a problem with celebrating our Independence with other countries and natives from there. But I do have a problem with sitting at the Monument trying to watch the Fireworks surrounded by people who can't speak English and who are there just for a free show. Many of whom I am sure aren't actual US Citizens and some of them probably aren't even here legally. And when I mean Free Fireworks show...I mean free to them considering I pay taxes and since some are here illegally, they probably don't pay a cent in taxes...this bothers me.
I know some of you may not agree with what I have said here..but oh well. Walking back to the Metro was probably the most aggravating. Even though being herded like cattle into the station was a pain, the most disturbing part was when, while I was holding my daughters hand, a group of Hispanics bursting inbetween us causing me to lose grip with her hand. When I tried to reach back through and grab her hand, one of the females in the group said something in Spanish to me and took off. Since when is English becoming a second language? But that is another topic entirely.
One other incident that happened was while walking back to the Metro Station, a group of people were chanting "USA" in the street having a good time. Apparantly, some people took offense to it and started saying something back in another language. I am not sure what they were saying but I am sure it wasn't "USA" in French. All I have to say is WHY? We were all there celebrating our Independence...or so I thought!