4th place NCAA wrestling championships...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...division 1, 125 pounds; Anthony Robles, Arizona State.

Ho hum. Big deal. 4th place. Nice season.

He was born with one leg.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Amazing what some can overcome when handicap like that. Some don't realize how lucky they are.

I don't see what the big deal is. It would be a lot more impressive if he was on the football team. Maybe kick some field goals... :lol:

Heck, in his post match interview, the news guy was trying to focus on the 'amazing' part of this, "can you believe what you've overcome, you're an inspiration, wow, etc..." and Anthony was like "Hey, my goal was to win. Frankly, I'm disappointed..."

THAT'S what got me. :buddies: