5 and 3


They call me ... Sarcasmo
That looked like a good old fashioned NFC East game last night. Everyone (both teams) played tough hard nosed football. LaVar, Clinton, Cooley and Moss all looked good lots of hustle. Brunell played a smart game also. (sorry Larry )


I doubt the cornerback #27 slept too well. :mad: He got burned so many times I bet he spent the night at Johns Hopkins burn unit.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Pete said:
I doubt the cornerback #27 slept too well. :mad: He got burned so many times I bet he spent the night at Johns Hopkins burn unit.
Walt Harris did not have a good game, that's for sure. Didn't the skins get rid of a CB who couldn't tackle after last season? :lol:


So do you think, ESPN could have mentioned TO a few more times?

DUH DUH DUH DUH, Welcome to ESPN Sunday night football WITHOUT TO for an NFC East division matchup : the Philadelphia Eagles, without TO vs. the Washington Redskins at Fedex field, where TO isn't even in attendance, in the Nations Capital Washington DC. We are told TO is not only not at Fedex field but he is not in Wahsington DC either. Joe Thiesman, Dan McGuire and Al Micheals here with you where we will only mention that TO is not here 10,000 times.

Both these teams are coming off horrible losses last week, The Redskins were shut out against the Giants, who TO does not play for, and the Eagles who did have TO, were blown out by Denver.

Joe, what should we see from these teams tonight with TO not playing?

Well Dan the first thing you will notice is that TO is not here. Without TO the Eagles may or may not win. They had TO last week and got blown out but that was not totally TO's fault he had 154 yards and a touchdown last week against Denver. the Eagles will have to step it up without TO to keep from being in last place in the NFC East, where no one expected the Eagles to be because TO plays for them.

Dan, the Redskins are probably pretty happy TO is not playing because face it he is TO. Santana Moss is not nearly as tall as TO and he doesn't get into as much trouble but he is a good reciever. Brunnell is having a banner year and we can only wonder how much better is would be if he had a reciever like TO. the Redskins are ready for this game,,,,Al?

Thank you Joe, As many of you have heard by now TO is not here tonight. He was supended from the team. How does this impact the Eagles psychologically, we go to Theresa O'neil , who has the same initials as TO BTW for this report.

Thank you AL, I spoke with Donnovan McNabb about the TO situation.

Donovan, how bad will it impact the team with TO gone?

TO who?

Terrel Owens your star reciever.

I don't know who you are talking about.

There you have it Al, McNabb is so distraught over TO not being here he has amnesia!

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Don't apologize to me...

kom526 said:
That looked like a good old fashioned NFC East game last night. Everyone (both teams) played tough hard nosed football. LaVar, Clinton, Cooley and Moss all looked good lots of hustle. Brunell played a smart game also. (sorry Larry )

...I'm not the one who repeatedly loses the ball in the red zone. Samuals pushed his guy almost 10 yards deep, Mark didn't step up or get rid of it. That is supposed to be the kind of things Mark doesn't do.

He made some superb throws to Cooley, Sellers and some others but I'll tell you this right now; if the quick out to his left isn't removed from the playbook, we are gonna get burned. I counted four that were way to close for comfort to getting pic 6'd. Maybe they're saving a pump and go on this? It was there, all night.

Seeing Mark live for the first time I give him extra credit for seeing the field pretty damn good and making pretty much 100% good decisions of where not to go with the ball last night. That means he's reading coverages quick and correctly. When we see him on TV and we're wondering why he isn't getting rid of it, bringing it back down, he's doing right. The Eagles rarely gave him any single coverage. Not once did I see Moss NOT have a safety helping the corner and the one to Patten that drew the flag was about the only time Patten wasn't doubled. That's why Cooley and Sellers were so huge; the safeties were leaving the LB's with a lot of ground to cover.

Thrash is due for a head check.

Hall looks healthy.

Sellers is a BEAST. Ask Brian Dawkins.

And I have NO clue why we only ran the toss right one time.

LaVarr has his step back.

Taylor worries me. I guess he's were he's supposed to be.

As someoen else said, Walt did have a tough game but not totally.

Kudos to the D line. Westbrook had NOWHERE to go.
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Larry Gude

Strung Out

That looked like a good old fashioned NFC East game last

As long as we're not making too many mistakes and we play that type of game, we're OK but Brunnel, now that I have seen him live cannot make the throws were're gonna need if we gotta play catch up, Dallas game not withstanding.

And mark my word about that quick out to his left. It's gotta go.


Larry Gude said:
...I'm not the one who repeatedly loses the ball in the red zone. Samuals pushed his guy almost 10 yards deep, Mark didn't step up or get rid of it. That is supposed to be the kind of things Mark doesn't do.

He made some superb throws to Cooley, Sellers and some others but I'll tell you this right now; if the quick out to his right isn't removed from the playbook, we are gonna get burned. I counted four that were way to close for comfort to getting pic 6'd. Maybe they're saving a pump and go on this? It was there, all night.

Seeing Mark live for the first time I give him extra credit for seeing the field pretty damn good and making pretty much 100% good decisions of where not to go with the ball last night. That means he's reading coverages quick and correctly. When we see him on TV and we're wondering why he isn't getting rid of it, bringing it back down, he's doing right. The Eagles rarely gave him any single coverage. Not once did I see Moss NOT have a safety helping the corner and the one to Patten that drew the flag was about the only time Patten wasn't doubled. That's why Cooley and Sellers were so huge; the safeties were leaving the LB's with a lot of ground to cover.

Thrash is due for a head check.

Hall looks healthy.

Sellers is a BEAST. Ask Brian Dawkins.

And I have NO clue why we only ran the toss right one time.

LaVarr has his step back.

Taylor worries me. I guess he's were he's supposed to be.

As someoen else said, Walt did have a tough game but not totally.

Kudos to the D line. Westbrook had NOWHERE to go.
Did you notice TO wasn't there? do you think TO would have helped the Eagles? TO would have won the game for them wouldn't he have? Were they selling TO stuff at the stadium? Did McNabb look upset about the TO thing? What about Andy Ried, was he looking upset about having to suspend TO?


Larry Gude

Strung Out
It was terrible...

Pete said:
Did you notice TO wasn't there? do you think TO would have helped the Eagles? TO would have won the game for them wouldn't he have? Were they selling TO stuff at the stadium? Did McNabb look upset about the TO thing? What about Andy Ried, was he looking upset about having to suspend TO?


...everyone in the stands kept looking under their seat to make sure TO wasn't about to leap out, cape and all, to the rescue.

There were a TON of Eagles fans there last night, maybe 20% of the audience. They got drowned out when we did something good but when 'Fingers' Brunnel put another one on the ground before the half I was stunned how loud the cheering was.

The fun part was that the Eagles fans, as we walked in, were in clusters; flocks if you will. Every so often, when there was a break in the endless renditions of "Hail to..." the Eagles faithful would go" E A G L E S...EAGLES!!!"
and hoot and hooler. This was always met with a hail of 'Go Redksins!" or "Eagles suck" but the thing that worked was, in reply to the Eagles chant was the Skins fans going "T O...T O...T O..."

Without fail, every time, the Eagles fans shut up as though we'd pointed out and reminded them that their hero's had a child molester on the roster.

I did not see one green 81 jersey. Not one.

Also, a new to me ritual has started; whenever they played 'Rock and Roll part II" it would go 'nah na nah nahhhh....hey!' then the crowd; EAGLES SUCK!!!

Nah na nah nahhhhh, Hey! Eagles Suck!

Not very nice at all.


Nothing to see here
Larry Gude said:
And mark my word about that quick out to his left. It's gotta go.

Been saying that since week 3..No doubt that will get picked and taken back if they don't put that in the back of the playbook for a month or two.