5 Psychological Experiments That Explain the Modern World


PREMO Member
Any casual reader of the alternate media landscape will eventually come up with a reference to Stanley Milgram, or Philip Zimbardo, the “Asch Experiment” or maybe all three.

“Cognitive Dissonance”, “Diffusion of Responsibility”, and “learned helplessness” are phrases that regularly do the rounds, but where do they come from and what they mean?

Well, here are the important psycho-social experiments that teach us about the way people think, but more than that they actually explain how our modern world works, and just how we got into this mess.



Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Just remember, they know how the human mind works.

They know they can make people do anything if they reassure them they won’t be held responsible.
They know that they can rely on people to abuse any power they’re given, OR believe they are powerless if they’re treated that way.
They know that peer pressure will change a lot of people’s minds even in the face of undeniable reality, especially if you make them feel completely alone.
They know that if you offer people only a small reward for completing a task, they will make up their own psychological justification for taking it.
They know that people will mindlessly do whatever everyone else is doing without ever asking for a reason.
And they know that people will happily believe something that never happened if it is repeated often enough.

They know all of this. And they use that knowledge all the time – All. The. Time.



Well-Known Member
This is why I question everything and believe nothing. Even if I do get an answer I say, "I knew you were going to say that. I'll ask someone else then". Pissed off people tend to let the truth slip out.:really:
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