5 reasons why - 2 views


PREMO Member
5 Reasons You Should Have Sex With Your Husband Every Night

I was getting a manicure the first time I learned that not all wives want to, ahem, go for a roll in the hay with their husbands. I was 16 and had picked out orange nail polish (oh, sixteen). I had a book with me but it wasn’t long before I found another source of entertainment. In-between buffings and polishings, the two women next to me talked about how much their husbands wanted IT and how little they wanted to give IT.


And then I grew up.

Intercourse, carnal knowledge, lovemaking, knocking boots, coitus, SEX! is everything 16 year old me imagined plus a little whipped cream on top. (Whipped cream, see what I did there?) And once Riley and I got married there was lots and lots and lots of it. Then we had a baby and I really was just so tired my bones hurt. And for a while I did feel fat. Even after I lost the pregnancy weight everything just looked different. Like a cut flower that has been left out in the sun, still lovely just a little...wilted. I became a little distant. We started to fall asleep without talking or kissing.

Then one day while washing dishes, I realized that we had gone eight days without touching each other. Eight days was a quite some time for us. But the thing that bothered me the most was that I hadn’t missed it. And I knew that was a problem. So that night after we put the baby to bed, I gave Riley my best come hither glance. Yes, I was tired and felt about as desirable as the “feed the birds” lady in Mary Poppins. But while drying the dishes, it occurred to me that 16 year old Meg must have understood something about sex that 20-something Meg had forgotten. And maybe, just maybe it was worth remembering.

five reasons you should NOT have sex with your husband every night.

There are a lot of reasons I find posts like this problematic. For one, it continues to perpetuate the notion that in a hetero relationship, women are the object of a man’s sexual gratification and that it is a woman’s duty to keep a man satisfied, regardless of whether they want to or not. Not only that but the whole article is extremely sexist – positioning women as the stereotypical stay at home mother, while the man goes out to earn the money. Here’s a newsflash – women get to have careers these days too. Which means that they’re not the only ones coming home from a long day of work.

Not once did the article make any attempt to break down gender stereotypes and consider that a lot of couples don’t fit the cookie cutter mold of white collar business man and perfect housewife.

It’s problematic because any woman who reads it immediately has their sense of self agency taken away from them. All of a sudden the reader is told that there are xyz reasons as to why she should sleep with her husband every night of the week and that her reasons for not wanting to have sex are simply not valid when this justification of why she SHOULD be having sex exists.

is it any wonder these bitter harpy's live unfulfilled lives

Larry Gude

Strung Out
The thing that's noteworthy is that, while there is a ready list of things a woman shouldn't feel required to do, there is just as ready a list things men ought to be required to do. The quest for equality tends to be a one way street.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
is it any wonder these bitter harpy's live unfulfilled lives

It's because they are in a relationship with a man who no longer puts any effort into the courting process that leads to sex.

Guys, you don't get that for free. Foreplay begins much much earlier in the day.


Power with Control
Here' one line that sort of some it up...

"t’s problematic because any woman who reads it immediately has their sense of self agency taken away from them."

Who thinks that reading anything other than the divorce/institutional commitment/penal system sentencing papers can have something taken away from them just by reading something. I'm in inveterate reader, have been for over 40 years now. Not once has something I've read taken anything away from me.