You smell funny
I can't believe my daughter Kayla is 5 years old already. This is almost depressing.
What's more depressing is the $91 we're spending on the party at Funland in Central Park (Frederisckburg) and the $150 on her keyboard she's getting for her birthday.
I swear, just between Christmas and birthday, she's gotten more shiat than I got my entire life. But I think that's one of the musts of parenthood...being able to say, "When I was a kid, I didn't get HALF the shiat you kids got today!"
And of course walking to school barefoot in the snow, uphill both ways...etc, etc.
Anyway, just bragging that my kid has survived me this long.
What's more depressing is the $91 we're spending on the party at Funland in Central Park (Frederisckburg) and the $150 on her keyboard she's getting for her birthday.
I swear, just between Christmas and birthday, she's gotten more shiat than I got my entire life. But I think that's one of the musts of parenthood...being able to say, "When I was a kid, I didn't get HALF the shiat you kids got today!"
And of course walking to school barefoot in the snow, uphill both ways...etc, etc.
Anyway, just bragging that my kid has survived me this long.