$500 Starlink for only $2200 a pop!!!


Power with Control
You might ask yourself, "Self, I would love high speed, low lag satellite internet, but that Musk guy, he's charging way too little for it, no way am I only paying $500, ther just HAS to a way to make it cost MOAR!!!!!"

Well, Jimmy, you've come to the right place, the Government!!! We know how to make even things like air and water cost more!!!!! Something as complex as a phased array satellite dish? Watch us go!!!!!!

I could maybe understand a little if they needed to hire installers, but this is literally plug and play. Yet the govt managed to quadruple the cost.


Kernel panic: Aiee.......
If you look at it just on the hardware side, yes, this is too much. But the service isn't free. Currently it's $99/month. So if you consider both hardware and service, $200k for 100 clients yields approx. 12-18 months of service.


Power with Control
If you look at it just on the hardware side, yes, this is too much. But the service isn't free. Currently it's $99/month. So if you consider both hardware and service, $200k for 100 clients yields approx. 12-18 months of service.

I'll bet good money this is just hardware.