56-43 Owens is confirmed...

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...before the mad rush to comment starts, anyone care to know why she is so despised by the left?

The rap:

She seems all too willing to bend the law to fit her views, rather than the reverse. One example was the state Supreme Court's interpretation of the then-new Parental Notification Act regarding abortions sought by minors.

The acusation:

would be an unconscionable act of judicial activism.

That is what our current AG Alberto Gonzalez said about her and is the primary offense quoted by Democrat after Democrat.

The rest of the story:

In early 2000, the nine justices, all Republicans, took up a series of "Jane Doe" cases to determine under what circumstances a girl could get a court order to avoid telling a parent that she intended to get an abortion.

This was an exercise. A test of the law, not a real application, a real case.

Owen and Justice Nathan Hecht consistently argued for interpretations of the law that would make it virtually impossible for a girl to get such an order.

Gasp! No abortion without mom and dads permission in the land of NO ASPIRIN at school?

The FULL quote:

Finally, in one Jane Doe case, another justice (Gonzalez) complained that "to construe the Parental Notification Act so narrowly as to eliminate bypasses, or to create hurdles that simply are not to be found in the words of the statute, would be an unconscionable act of judicial activism."

So, Owens and another collegue, who by themselves could be no more than the dissenting losers as 2 of 9 state justices, are to be condemned as out of control judicial activists because they could not see in a specific, brand new law, a legally compelling reason to NOT inform or get permission from the PARENTS before a major medical procedure, abortion, is performed on a minor.

So there's your boogey man that RR and Biden and all the rest are terrified of: She thinks your kid should have your permission before getting an abortion.

Not banning abortion. Not turning over the blessed Roe v. Wade.

Parental permission and notification.

Thought you should know.


vraiblonde said:
There. Now how friggin' hard was that???

Not trying to start an argument or debate with anyone, but just wanted to state for the record in defense of Dems on a republican forum... its my understanding that the Dems have approved the appointments of 209 judges that were proposed and just objected t 8 or 9 :shrug: Clinton on the other hand had 60 judges he wanted appointed and was denied...
It seems like the Dems are more bending of a party on this issue :shrug:


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
I thought this was supposed to be a mere "formality" today, according to Fox News. This vote was pretty close for a "formality". :confused:


dems4me said:
Not trying to start an argument or debate with anyone, but just wanted to state for the record in defense of Dems on a republican forum... its my understanding that the Dems have approved the appointments of 209 judges that were proposed and just objected t 8 or 9 :shrug: Clinton on the other hand had 60 judges he wanted appointed and was denied...
It seems like the Dems are more bending of a party on this issue :shrug:

I would also like to add, as a salient fact to this discussion, that if pigs had wings - they could indeed fly. j/k. But why is the fact that Democrats were willing to bend over and take it up the behind on judges relevant to our current issue? Are you suggesting the Republicans should wimp out on the last ten judges like you Democrats did? I don't think that's why we elected them.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Do the math...

sleuth said:
I thought this was supposed to be a mere "formality" today, according to Fox News. This vote was pretty close for a "formality". :confused:

...it was predicted she'd get 51 and Cheney might be the deciding vote. as it is, she even got one Democrat.

51 is in. 60 is filibuster proof. 81 Senators voted for cloture, to give her a vote. Sounds pretty good to me.


Bruzilla said:
I would also like to add, as a salient fact to this discussion, that if pigs had wings - they could indeed fly. j/k. But why is the fact that Democrats were willing to bend over and take it up the behind on judges relevant to our current issue? Are you suggesting the Republicans should wimp out on the last ten judges like you Democrats did? I don't think that's why we elected them.

What? If we argue its called unconstitutional to fillibuster an appointment but if we don't argue and actuall agree its considered "wimpering out"?


Larry Gude

Strung Out

dems4me said:
What? If we argue its called unconstitutional to fillibuster an appointment but if we don't argue and actuall agree its considered "wimpering out"?


...what he is saying is that Clinton gave up on many of his BECAUSE they were not going to get teh votes anyway. Conservative Democrats could not afford to vote for many of them.

W, in contrast, believes in the people he nomintated and has full support from his party and a even a few Dems as we witnessed today.


Larry Gude said:
...what he is saying is that Clinton gave up on many of his BECAUSE they were not going to get teh votes anyway. Conservative Democrats could not afford to vote for many of them.

W, in contrast, believes in the people he nomintated and has full support from his party and a even a few Dems as we witnessed today.

Last I heard there was 7 or 8 that crossed over from both sides :shrug:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
What's the point of endless debate? Does anyone really think some Republican will change their mind because Robert Byrd talks for hours? Or that some Democrat will change their mind because Tom Delay talks for hours?

Nobody will change their mind. TAKE THE VOTE!!!

If a nominee is just completely off the deep end, take your case to the people. You're supposed to be our representatives so keep us informed!!! Talk to us!! We hired you to take care of this stuff on our behalf so quit screwing around and DO YOUR JOB!!


vraiblonde said:
What's the point of endless debate? Does anyone really think some Republican will change their mind because Robert Byrd talks for hours? Or that some Democrat will change their mind because Tom Delay talks for hours?

Nobody will change their mind. TAKE THE VOTE!!!

If a nominee is just completely off the deep end, take your case to the people. You're supposed to be our representatives so keep us informed!!! Talk to us!! We hired you to take care of this stuff on our behalf so quit screwing around and DO YOUR JOB!!

Filibusters have worked before in the past for changing votes... remember "When Mr. Smith goes to Washington" :shrug:


2ndAmendment said:
One slut and one bastage.

Did any of y'all ever buy one of those Jeffers puke bags they were selling years ago? :confused: Just wondering... :lol: