56-year-old Ohio woman given birth to triplets


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Not only has a 56-year-old Ohio woman given birth to triplets, but they're her own granddaughters. Jaci Dalenberg, of Wooster, carried the babies as a surrogate for her daughter, Kim Coseno. The two identical twins and their sister were born by Caesarean section Oct. 11 at the Cleveland Clinic's Hillcrest Hospital in Mayfield Heights and are still in the hospital's care. They were more than two months premature and each weighed less than three pounds.

A Cleveland Clinic news release says infants and grandmother are all doing well.:hot:

According to a Clinic spokesman, Dalenberg offered herself as a surrogate when Kim Coseno and her husband, Joe, were waiting to adopt. The couple used in vitro fertilization, and embryos were implanted in Dalenberg's uterus.

Ohio woman gives birth to triplet granddaughters - Yahoo! News


"Fluffy world destroyer"
Am I the only one that thinks this is ridiculous? These parents will be in their 70s when their kids are in high school. They should have gotten a damn puppy.
Obviously you didn't read the story. The mother carried them for her daughter......

Jaci Dalenberg, of Wooster, carried the babies as a surrogate for her daughter,