5G Danger?

Auntie Biache'

Well-Known Member

Is this just another "the sky is falling" playing out, like so many other things that were once new and declared to be unsafe? Or, do you think the scientists actually have something substantial to be concerned about?


...in order to achieve such vastly superior performance, 5G networks will use technology that is completely different from 4G networks.

Today, there is a growing body of scientific evidence that indicates that the electromagnetic radiation that we are constantly being bombarded with is not good for us. Hundreds of scientists that are engaged in research in this area have signed the “International EMF Scientist Appeal”, and this is how that document begins…

In the next paragraph, we are told that “cancer risk”, “genetic damages”, “functional changes of the reproductive system”, and “neurological disorders” are some of the health risks that have been discovered by the scientific research that has been conducted so far…

...in Israel, one scientist has discovered that the surface of the human body actually draws in 5G radiation “like an antenna”

Dr. Martin Pall, a PhD and Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences at Washington State University, says that rolling out 5G without any safety testing whatsoever “has got to be about the stupidest idea anyone has had in the history of the world”.
I do not believe one has to be a scientist to understand that being bombarded 24/7 by really high frequencies at low, shortrange intensities will have affects on our molecular structure.

As for the human body maximizing frequencies... we find it really cool knowing that if we can't find our car in a vast parking lot we can hold our key FOB under our chin and hit the alarm button... we effectively magnify the frequencies which allow the car to respond where it couldn't pick up the frequencies before... I don't doubt we are a big ole cell blob magnet.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
As for the human body maximizing frequencies... we find it really cool knowing that if we can't find our car in a vast parking lot we can hold our key FOB under our chin and hit the alarm button... we effectively magnify the frequencies which allow the car to respond where it couldn't pick up the frequencies before... I don't doubt we are a big ole cell blob magnet.
Is that how it works? I need to know this...