5th District: Jewitt Understands the Military


New Member
The following is a press release that can be found on the "Jewitt For Congress" website: http://www.jewitt2004.com/pdetails.asp?id=209

House Armed Services Committee Chairman Duncan Hunter praised Congressional candidate Brad Jewitt for his military record Tuesday morning. Chairman Hunter made the remarks during a breakfast held on Capitol Hill in Jewitt’s honor. Jewitt, who is challenging Steny Hoyer for Maryland’s Fifth District Congressional Seat, has served in the Marine Corps for 15 years and is currently a Major in the Reserves.

“I understand the needs of the men and women of our armed forces, their families, and the communities that depend on our Southern Maryland military installations,” said Jewitt. “I will use my military and community leadership experience to protect our bases in the next round of BRAC. I look forward to partnering with local and state leaders to ensure that everyone involved in the process is aware that Southern Maryland is being very proactive in preparing for BRAC as well as outlining the vital role each installation plays for our national defense,” Jewitt stated.

“Brad Jewitt is a Marine. He understands the men and women fighting to keep our nation free and secure,” noted Chairman Hunter. He continued, “Brad understands national defense, and we need that knowledge in Congress. He has the energy and experience to advocate effectively for the military, both for the active troops and our veterans. The reality is that the Congress is a far different place than it was in the early 90’s when Steny was in the majority. He is not in the majority party anymore. Recent polls show that the military is voting solidly Republican. Who do you think is in a better position to fight for the Southern Maryland bases?”

During the breakfast, also attended by Representative John Kline (R-MN) and retired Marine Generals Randy West and Terry Paul, Jewitt pointed out the widespread support he has received from Maryland leaders such as Governor Ehrlich, Lt. Governor Michael Steele, and Congressman Wayne Gilchrest.

Jewitt stepped down as Mayor of Berwyn Heights after he was recalled to active duty with the Marine Corps Reserve in support of Operation Enduring Freedom in January 2003. He completed eight months of stateside active duty in August of that year.

Brad Jewitt is a U.S. Marine and the former Mayor of Berwyn Heights, Maryland. As the next Congressman, Mr. Jewitt’s goal is to improve the quality of life within Maryland’s Fifth District by removing barriers to small business growth and finalizing the President’s tax cuts, improving our systems of transportation and education, and enhancing national/regional security. In preparation for the campaign, Jewitt resigned his Federal job in order to focus his “attention full-time on the needs of the district.” Please visit www.jewitt2004.com to learn more about Brad Jewitt’s campaign for U.S. Congress, or call 301-486-0089.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
somd_bluecrab said:
In preparation for the campaign, Jewitt resigned his Federal job in order to focus his “attention full-time on the needs of the district.”
Right, like the Hatch Act had nothing to do with it? He should at least be forthright.