6 Strange Ways I Picked Up Men That Actually Worked


PREMO Member
If you want to learn how to flirt with a guy or pick up men with self-confidence, you may want to think outside the box.

The thought of picking up a total stranger can cause sheer panic among some people.

Having someone reject you is never fun, but if you have your eye on someone, sometimes you just have to put your big-girl pants on and take a chance.

Here are the six most strange ways I’ve picked up men that have actually worked:​

1. Offering him food​

I was out at dinner with a friend when a handsome stranger walked past and glanced at me with a smile.

I looked up, holding a chip, and said “Would you like to join us for dinner?”

At first, he looked a little puzzled, then sat down with his friend, and we all shared a meal.

A way to a man’s heart is definitely through his stomach.

2. Making him feel as though he’s terrible at his job​

It was the middle of winter and I’d just finished a modeling job that involved me being covered in cooking oil and a fan blowing against me for five hours.

This hard work deserved a beverage, so I walked into a bar and told the bartender exactly how I wanted my martini, and that if it wasn’t up to par I’d be sending it back.

Don’t judge me – I was in a mood.

I went in a few nights later with friends and he handed me his number and said not many women come in as demanding as me and that he liked it.
