I can't get my head around this. Until the Reformation there really only was what-is-called the Catholic Church. Over time, you say, the CC became so corrupt that it didn't follow nor teach the truth. Yet, it preserved the Bible. The CC had the Scriptures written, translated, published, etc. by priests and scribes who were...Catholic. Then nameless, faceless Reformers may have started translating, publishing, etc. Yet the book you have on your bedside, which you got from Amazon.com, Barnes & Noble or whatever, you categorically trust is inerrant in spite of the thousands involved in the history of getting it to you.
You don't trust the CC because some people within the CC didn't follow or teach, yet you trust the writers of the Bible, not all of whom were Apostles, and whose errors are documented in the NT. After that, the translators, publishers, etc. over the course of 2000 years who certainly sinned to varying degrees, and may or may not have followed or taught what was in those Scriptures.
I just do not understand this.