"60 Minutes" tries to kiss up to conservatives


Well-Known Member
" "60 Minutes," returning to its familiar Sunday evening slot at 7, will also likely explore why so many critics, liberal and otherwise, don't care for Mr. O'Reilly's bare-knuckled style of broadcasting. "

Seems to me if they do a hatchet job on Bill, their cred as being unbiased isn't going to improve.


Active Member
SamSpade said:
" "60 Minutes," returning to its familiar Sunday evening slot at 7, will also likely explore why so many critics, liberal and otherwise, don't care for Mr. O'Reilly's bare-knuckled style of broadcasting. "

Seems to me if they do a hatchet job on Bill, their cred as being unbiased isn't going to improve.
Even if, and that's a big if, CBS could produce a non-spin newscast, it would be too little and too late to improve their credibility as far as I am concerned.


Asperger's Poster Child
Because they're giving him air time on their show, even if it's in a hostile environment. Before Memogate, I doubt they would have even considered having O'Reilly on the show.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

How is this considered "kissing up" to conservatives?

If they were profiling a conservative, say Sean Hannity, I guess you could look at it like that.

O'Reilly is a devout Libertarian and is, by no stretch, a conservative.


Larry Gude said:
O'Reilly is a devout Libertarian and is, by no stretch, a conservative.

But he's not a liberal. And you know the liberal mindset is: "If you're not with us you're against us" (Of course if a conservative says that, he's an arrogant, aggressive, brutish, dictator, chickenhawk, warmonger etc. ad infinitum.)

Even so, I don't see how airing a slam-piece against O'Reilley (and I won't believe it's anything but a slam-piece until I actually see it with my own eyes) is going to help CBS polish its image of being anything but the left-wing spin-doctors they are.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

[/QUOTE]But he's not a liberal. And you know the liberal mindset is: "If you're not with us you're against us"
I really don't know what their mindset is. The freaks at the DU, I'm sorry, the 'progressives' at the 'du...h', think that Mathews and Rather and all the rest are part of the VRWC. If it isn't scrawled in blood on a bathroom stall in a poor part of town by the ghost of Che Gueverra himself, then it is not the truth.

They identify themselves as this intellectual elite who will win elections with passion and fire but have no friends and hate pretty much everybody who is not one of them.