7 Prosecutorial Lies


PREMO Member

LIE #3: The court system is awesome and not corrupt at all!​

“You posted that the court system is corrupt,” said Dawson incredulously. He told so many stupid lies in court that I lost track. Let’s forget for a moment that Abcug has a First Amendment right to believe that the court system is corrupt, but those of you who read my work know that her claim is far closer to the truth than “the court system is beyond reproach.”

It seemed like Dawson was trying to do his best to make the judge hate the defendant. Judges hate it when people accuse their brethren in black of being less than holy arbiters of truth and justice. Meanwhile, two judges just got ordered to pay $200 million for selling kids for cash. Operation Greylord in Chicago caught 17 or so judges fixing cases. A Missouri judge personally threw children in jail, acting as a police officer, when they wouldn’t go live with their mother as he ordered. Twice. Thirty-one judges recused themselves from a suit in Missouri after PJ Media caught Chief Judge Michael Burton colluding with attorneys to help the defendant in the case.

The court system and the children’s welfare system ARE corrupt. Come at me, bro.

If Dawson wants to pretend that the court system in America is above reproach, he can do that when he’s playing make-believe in the mirror that I imagine he stands in front of practicing his mythological arguments in coordination with his expressive eyebrow positioning, but he should be restrained from lying inside a courtroom (by force if necessary). When he spun these fairytales in front of low-information jurors, the defense didn’t even object to this line of questioning that violated Abcug’s First Amendment right to speak out AGAINST THE GOVERNMENT.

The defense then failed to offer the jury proof of the things Abcug posted! It took me five minutes to pull up news article after news article showing the corruption in foster care and the courts. Abcug’s public defender just let it go. The jury had no choice but to believe that this claim of hers about foster care and sex trafficking was some paranoid QAnon fantasy instead of stone-cold reality.

Abcug’s right to berate the government agencies and people involved in removing her son from her care without due process publicly on Twitter is why the First Amendment was written. Prosecutors using that right to convict someone of a crime is a gross violation of the defendant’s right to free speech. It shouldn’t have been allowed, and I can’t come up with a reasonable explanation for why the defense did not object.

Lie #5: You look guilty if you raise money to fight the government that has unlimited resources to bury you.​

“You also asked people for money!” accused Dawson. Is that a crime? Abcug was involved in the legal battle for her son. She is a single mom who gave up her high-paying job to move out of state and seek medical care for her son who the doctors told her needed help.

“I didn’t know it was illegal to make a GoFundMe,” said Abcug. She’s right. It’s not. It was just a low blow by the prosecutor to make her seem like she was profiting off her situation. The truth is, she never did raise enough for the proper team of lawyers that she needed. Finding a lawyer to fight for you in family court is next to impossible. Families involved in this nightmare report that most family law attorneys just phone it in, and even a little effort costs big money.



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Lawyers suck, judges suck, and our judicial system is a joke. You have only to look to see it.

Sure there are some good judges and a handful of good lawyers, but those people are the butt of many jokes for a reason. The vast majority of them are amoral corrupt mother****ers with no oversight or accountability.