$8.7B for minority businesses


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
Just 1 more race bases government program. How many more such initiatives until things are evened out?

Vice President Kamala Harris and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen hosted the annual Freedman’s Bank Forum on Dec. 14. They announced $8.7 billion in federal funding for financial institutions serving minority and underserved small business owners.

“Today, the wealth gap persists,” Vice President Harris said. “Today, the homeownership gap persists … access to capital is unequal. Black entrepreneurs are three times more likely to report that a lack of access to capital negatively affects their profit margins.

But it gets better. Some blacks want the entire pie and don't want to share with hispanics. And who calls themselves logic supreme?

“None of the money…us Freedmen will never see that money. It’s pretty much described as minority investment, which sounds good. Still, none of that money will go into Freedmen’s pockets…it will pretty much go to Hispanics and immigrants,” Charles “Logic Supreme” Ware said

“The use of the Freedman’s Bank legacy seems wrong here, esp. from a gov’t that still owes #reparations. Freedmen’s Bank provided financial support solely to newly freed black ppl, until it was looted & corrupted by white folks,” tweeted Dreisen Heath

all for me and none for thee


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Well, considering Hispanics and immigrants start significantly more businesses than black people.....of course they will be who avails themselves of that grant money. Duh.

If someone can come over here and not even speak English, yet start a thriving business, you'd think black people who were born here would have no problem. But then you have all these race hustlers trying to screw them over to line their own pockets.

They riot in the ghettos and burn out Asian and Hispanic owned stores, but notice none of the hood rats start their own stores to replace what they destroyed? They just bitch and cry that they no longer have a store.
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Well-Known Member
Well, considering Hispanics and immigrants start significantly more businesses than black people.....of course they will be who avails themselves of that grant money. Duh.

If someone can come over here and not even speak English, yet start a thriving business, you'd think black people who were born here would have no problem. But then you have all these race hustlers trying to screw them over to line their own pockets.

They riot in the ghettos and burn out Asian and Hispanic owned stores, but notice none of the hood rats start their own stores to replace what they destroyed? They just bitch and cry that they no longer have a store.

Gee If I said that I would be a racist, but you are right..In a way.
Why should blacks and Hispanics and let me add women be entitled to any more of my tax money than any white person wanting to start a business especially when white people pay the most taxes.
Go to the Base and apply for a contract. You better be black or have their quota of blacks in your business. if you expect to get one.
If equality is the action we are after --let's look at our schools . Schools in St, Mary's County integrated in 1965 that's 56 years, are black grades equal yet? Will they ever be?


Well-Known Member
"They announced $8.7 billion in federal funding for financial institutions"

For Financial Institutions? WTF?

How is that supposed to help Shorty's Squeegy Service?
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
If equality is the action we are after --let's look at our schools . Schools in St, Mary's County integrated in 1965 that's 56 years, are black grades equal yet? Will they ever be?

When my son graduated middle school the girl who got the top academic award was black, as was the 2nd place. Since I knew both of them personally, I know they earned it and it wasn't some affirmative action thing. But their parents were solid types - mom and dad raising kids to be successful adults and being good role models in the process. I can tick off a bunch of black people I personally know who are some of the finest people on earth.

We know that black people can be good parents, and get an education, and have successful careers. We've seen them do it. So why do so many of them slide into drugs and poverty and crime? Democrats don't like to talk about that - they like to dumb everything down to the LCD and pretend that's "black culture". And when someone points out that it doesn't have to be this way, they get screamed at and called a racist.

They say they want to have a real conversation about race, but they don't really. Every single "conversation about race" I've ever watched or even participated in has turned into a grievance committee, with the white saviors right on board ("We need to make things easier for black people so they can compete! And help them find the DMV!! See me not being racist!?!"). Nobody wants to ask or answer the tough questions because the people whose fault it is control the narrative.

I'd like to see this change in my lifetime but it probably won't.

Also, Carly Rae Jepson was just on the radio singing "Last Christmas" and I think that should be against the law.
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Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
Also, Carly Rae Jepson was just on the radio singing "Last Christmas" and I think that should be against the law.
That song should be banned completely. Stores must think that they're doing shoppers a favor by playing the wretch continuously. They should be shut down, looted, and burned to the ground.


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
Had to look that one up, never heard of her. And now that I heard her, I'm sorry. That's atrocious.
I must admit that I searched it out myself. That being said, I'd like to add to my last post that the ground that the store stood on, should be heavily salted after the fire goes out.


PREMO Member
If Blacks cared about black entrepreneurs ... they would start a ' blacks ' only VC fund for new black owned businesses

Rich Sports Players and Oprah


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
If Blacks cared about black entrepreneurs ... they would start a ' blacks ' only VC fund for new black owned businesses

Rich Sports Players and Oprah
What, and risk their money?! Don't be absurd man! Let us taxpayers fund their experiments.


Well-Known Member
That song should be banned completely. Stores must think that they're doing shoppers a favor by playing the wretch continuously. They should be shut down, looted, and burned to the ground.

Thank You so much you kept me from looking that up..
I never heard of the song or the wretch that sings it.
Thanks to you I don't have to.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Some years back I was in a computer class off the job site, and I was on a small team with an Asian woman and another woman from India.
At one point, the discussion turned to race, but not in the direction I guessed - they were annoyed that race in this country was just about African Americans. When they each applied for different kinds of advancement designed for minorities - they were both told - they weren't eligible.

When I lived in New England, we had thousands of refugees from Southeast Asia relocated to our district, and they were given small sums from the state to get started. I did auto parts delivery then - and I learned that this whole row of auto repair and body shop places along a few streets were entirely owned and operated by these same refugees. It seems they pooled their assistance together and built their own businesses - and were doing very well. I have to guess the appearance of restaurants and other Cambodian/Laotian/Vietnamese establishments cropping up all over town had similar origins - I just knew the auto business from daily personal interaction.

I don't know what holds back so many African Americans in this country - I'm amazed at how fast immigrants are able to adapt and prosper here, without assistance - even immigrants from Africa and the Caribbean. I have to think it has to do with something - HERE - in the culture, in the government assistance, in the social structure. I don't know what it is, but I can probably bet that the government is making it worse.


PREMO Member
I don't know what holds back so many African Americans in this country

Sucking off the Gov Tit ..... You cannot get ahead, unless its sports or rapping, Whitey is keeping you down

The UK has similar issues Caribbean Blacks don't Thrive, Blacks from West Africa do very well


Well-Known Member
Black people who get a good work ethic from their parents do fine, those who get the hate whitey and we wuz slaves and they owe us treatment. Not so good. It's a culture within a culture that sometimes leaks the bad into the good.

But you will never get a good discussion of it as even the successful have that black identity, they just cannot let go of.
Somehow they do not recognize why they are successful and the others aren't, and the identity keeps them from realizing it.


Well-Known Member
I had never seen someone that valued hard work and education as much as an African immigrant I knew in college. His parents were the same, they named him Pascal after the French mathematician.