8 Drugs


The mighty Al-Sonsie!

Visene original is on that list? Geeze, I put a few drops in every morning before inserting my contacts. I don't really have red eyes or dry eyes but I like the cool wetness before my lenses are in.

BTW, since it does constrict the blood vessles put a few drops on a Q-tip and hold it against any blemishes or pimples to remove some of the redness. It takes a bit but it works to remove the surface pinkness and make them less noticable.


HOLY SH!T BATMAN!!! I take 400mg of Celebrex a day! :faint:

People taking 200 mg of Celebrex twice a day more than doubled their risk of dying of cardiovascular disease.


Visene original is on that list? Geeze, I put a few drops in every morning before inserting my contacts. I don't really have red eyes or dry eyes but I like the cool wetness before my lenses are in.

BTW, since it does constrict the blood vessles put a few drops on a Q-tip and hold it against any blemishes or pimples to remove some of the redness. It takes a bit but it works to remove the surface pinkness and make them less noticable.

OH THANK YOU!!!! :huggy:

I can't take a shower tonight, I'm afraid of the storm, I'm PMSing and I feel a pimple coming on. That tip couldn't have come at a better time :yay:


The mighty Al-Sonsie!
OH THANK YOU!!!! :huggy:

I can't take a shower tonight, I'm afraid of the storm, I'm PMSing and I feel a pimple coming on. That tip couldn't have come at a better time :yay:

Just make sure to soak the area good and hold it on for a while. I noticed what it did after a night of partying and a hot morning shower turned my very fair skin very pink. I loaded on the visene and left the overflow on my cheeks. After a bit I looked in the mirror and had two wide pale streaks down my otherwise flushed pink face. I've used it to tone down blemishes ever since, especially while I was preggo and my skin went teenage crazy. It probably works best if your skin tone is fair and you flush/blush easy.