8 Truly Bizarre Sleep Disorders


Surely you jest ...
Wow, that is some odd stuff.

I had a friend that had narcolepsy. First signs were good and bad.

One funny incident was standing in line to pay for greenware at the ceramic shop. We were talking and her head dropped to the side for about 20 seconds, asleep with a quick snore added in. Then she lifted head and picked up right where she left off in our conversation. Didn't even drop the box of items. I told her and she thought I was lying until the woman behind me said it did happen.

One of the not so funny was falling asleep at the wheel while taking her daughter to school. Wreaking the car into a lovely huge brick surrounded mailbox. Good news was her daughter was OK. My friend only had minor injuries and the doctor at hospital told her never to drive, what she was suffering from and sent her to specialist.
