8-year-old fights to get WWII vet recognition he deserves


Well-Known Member
I dare you to read this and watch the video and not tear up.


Leanna is Charles Mowbray's biggest fan. Every time he visits for a living history lesson, she hangs on every word and keys on every picture. But it's what he doesn't bring that has really affected her.

A few months ago, she noticed that Mr. Mowbray doesn't have one war medal. All he's got are pictures of the ones he earned, but never received.

"I thought the government would send 'em after awhile, but they didn't," he said. Asked how many years it has been, he laughed, "Sixty-seven."

He can laugh about it, but not Leanna. She still stews over it.

"Because he fought for our country and our freedom and everyone deserves something for that," she said.

Which is why, a few weeks ago, she wrote a letter to her senator, Barbara Mikulski. Two pages of heartfelt prose.


Well-Known Member
Absolutely awesome, just forwarded to my sonster who lives in Salisbury. told him to look the guy up and salute him.